AS ICT Info 2


Fichas sobre AS ICT Info 2, creado por TheoSmith el 18/04/2013.
Fichas por TheoSmith, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por TheoSmith hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is ICT? Information Communications Technology - The use of technology for input, processing, storage, transfer and output of information
What is coding? What does it achieve? Changing original data into shorter, coded version, which saves storage and speeds up data entry
Difference between a De Facto standard and a De Jure standard, examples for both De facto = not legally binding but commonly adopted e.g GIF for pictures De Jure - Legally binded standard, e.g USB
Difference between the main types of malware? .
What procedures can be done to protect computers and data? Backup, recovery
What are the roles of the data protection commissioner? Enforcing and overseeing the act, raising awareness of the act and its implications, and investigating complaints.
Name 4 ways data can be lost Natural disasters, human error, software errors, virus attack, hardware error, sabotage
What needs to be considered when planning a backup strategy? What data, How often, When, Which backup media, Who responsible, Where stored
Give 3 Benefits and 2 Drawbacks of the consequences of the use of ICT on individuals Easy to exchange ideas, cheaper communication, save money on goods, shop from home, online banking, helps with studying and problems Health problems, concerns about young people accessing the web
3/2 Benefits and Drawbacks of teleworking Easier to concentrate at home rather than in noisy office, People can be employed from all over world, disabled people who can't work in offices can be employed, working hours can be arranged Harder to work in a team, social environment of occice missed, difficult to separate work from home
3/4 Benefits/Drawbacks of the consequences of ICT on society Greater productivity, greater democracy (e-voting), helps disabled people be more independant Lack of privacy, lack of equality, cyberbullying, illegal copying, phishing, widens gab between rich and poor
Factors affecting the use of ICT - CLEESE. Give 2 examples for what each includes Cultural → Legal → Economic → Environmental → Legal → Ethical
What is the RIPA? Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 - under this, it is an offence to intercept a message sent via public or private telecommunication system
What is the CDPA Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Makes it illegal to, for example, copy software without permission/license
What are 3 types of software license? Single-user, Multi-user, Site (Network)
Explain the three types of backup Full - whole system is saved Differential - data changed since last full backup is saved. More data saved so slower backup than incremental, but restoration faster Incremental - Data changed since last backup is saved
Give 4 things you should consider for an effective recovery procedure: -Alternative accomodation -Availability of staff at short notice -Availability of replacement hardware -Availability of alternative communication lines for network/internet -Training of staff - Testing of recovery procedures
Give 5 things that ICT can provide Fast, repetitive processing Vast storage capacity Improved search facilities Improved presentation Improved accessibility of info/services Improved security of data Improved communication
Limitations in what the information ICT systems produce (GIGO) Garbage in, Garbage out - computers are stupid
Explain the three types of processing -Batch: all processed together, no human intervention during processing, happens during night/weekends -Interactive: Computer and user are in direct two-way communication -Transaction: Processing of each transaction as it arises. Start processing next transaction after previous completed
Define and differentiate between the Internet and the WWW Internet: A network of networks connected together across the globe WWW: Collection of information in multimedia form where pages are linked by hyperlinks
Define Intranet and Extranet Intranet: Private network and only used within the organisation Extranet: an Intranet that is made available to users (with login) from outside the organisation
Define IP Address, Packet and TCP/IP IP Address: an identifier for a computer or device on a TCP/IP Network Packet: A unit of data that is sent from a source to a destination device on a network TCP/IP: Most common protocol on the internet that allows network devices to communicate
Give 4/3 ways to protect from both internal and external threats Internal: Training, Force password training, Passwords and access levels, Up to date antivirus, code of conduct, monitoring programs External: Encryption, firewall, UPS, Physically secure computers to desk
What does a firewall do and help prevent? Monitors packets coming in from the internet, helps prevent hacking
Give 4 Access Rights Read only, Read/write, Append, No access
Give 6/8 Data Protection Principles Fairly and lawfully processed, Processed for limited purposes, Adequate relevant and not excessive, Accurate, Not kept longer than necessary, Secure, Not transferred outside of EU
Give 2 Exemptions from the Act Data held for national security reasons, Personal data held for domestic purposes e.g friend's addresses, Data used for statistical/historical/research purposes, Taxman/Police files.
Give 2 things the Freedom of Information Act 2000 allows information to be provided about How public authorities carry out their duties, make their decisions, how they spend public money.
Give 2/3 offences under the computer misuse act of 1990 - Unauthorised access to computer programs or data - Unauthorised access with a further criminal intent - Unauthorised modification of computer material
List 4 types of user interface GUI, Command Line Interface, Menu Interface, Natural Language Interface
Characteristics of a GUI - WIMP Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointers
Give an advantage and disadvantage for each interface GUI - Easy to use, but use the most memory/processing power Command Line - Quicker for expert user, use less resources, but commands need to be learnt, slower for non-expert user Natural Language - flexible and powerful, no training needed, but good grammar required, misleads users into thinking computers are intelligent
List 5 Qualities for ICT Professionals Patience, Teamwork ability, Problem Solving Skills, Listening,Oral,Written communication skills
4 Characteristics of an effective ICT team Good team leader, Clear structure, Project must be monitored, good communication, strengths/weaknesses of individuals assessed
Give 2 Advantages and Disadvantages of networks Sharing of Resources, Sharing of data files, Easier to install applications Difficult to ensure security, viruses can infect everything on network, get slower as more traffic, if server fails whole network down
Define a LAN and WAN, with examples LAN : A number of computers connected together on one site, e.g in one building WAN: A number of computers connected together over a large area e.g Internet
Give Advantages/Disadvantages of Star Networks Star: If one cable fails other computers fine, easy to add new stations, tighter security. Cabling costs higher, if a link becomes severed then no communication possible from that workstation
Give Advantages/Disadvantages of Bus Networks Cheap as least cabling required, easy to add another workstation Slow compared with star network, if cable fails whole network fails, faults in cable difficult to isolate
What is an ICT System? A system that captures, stores and converts data to information and then outputs this information (IPO)
Components of an ICT System - PeDISH Pro People, Data, Information, Software, Hardware, Procedures
Define data and information Data = raw facts and figures, don't make sense Information = Processed data, makes sense
What is encoding data? Turning data into machine readable format
Give 5 factors which affect the Quality of Information Accurate, Up to data, Complete, Relevant, Reliable source
Characteristics of Users and using ICT Systems - PEETA Physical Characteristics, Experience, Environment, Task, Age
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