

Cell and Molecular Biology
Fichas por jithran.pohl, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por jithran.pohl hace más de 8 años

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3 Domains of Life 1: Bacteria 2: Archaea 3: Eukarya
Light Microscopy Visible light passed through specimen and then through glass lenses
Scanning Electron Microscope For topography of cell. Surface of cell coated with gold, electron beam excites electrons on surface and these secondary electrons are detected
Transmission Electron Microscopy To study internal structure of cells. Electron beam fired through thin section of cell, electromagnets bend electron paths to form image.
3 Important Microscopy Parameters Magnification - ratio of an object's image size to its real size Resolution - measure of clarity of image Contrast - difference in brightness between light and dark areas
Cell Size Plant & animals cells - 10-100um Bacteria - 1-5um Larger cells have reduced surface to volume ratio
Endosymbiont Theory Early ancestor of eukaryotic cells engulfed prokaryotic cell, stable relationship formed and the engulfed prokaryotes evolved into mitochondria
Difference Between Eukaryotic Cell and Prokaryotic Cell Prokaryotic - has no nucleus, only nucleoid (DNA in region that is non membrane-enclosed) Eukaryotic - DNA found in membrane-bound nucleus
Composition of Typical Cell Building blocks (amino acids, nucleobases, simple carbohydrates, lipids) \/ Macromolecules (proteins, DNA, RNA, complex carbohydrates, lipids) \/ Supramolecular assemblies (membranes, ribosomes, chromatin)
Levels of Carbohydrates 1: Monosaccharides 2: Dissaccharides 3: Oligosaccharides 4: Polysaccharides
Monosaccharides Hexose monosaccharides - building blocks of complex carbohydrates - glucose, fructose, galactose Pentose monosaccharides - usually part of larger molecules - deoxyribose, ribose
Dissaccharides Two monosaccharides joined by a glycosidic linkage (covalent bond formed by a dehydration reaction) - glucose + fructose = sucrose - galactose + glucose = lactose - glucose + glucose = maltose
Oligosaccharides 3 to 10 linked monosaccharides
Polysaccharides Macromolecules. >10 linked monosaccharides. Some are storage material, hydrolysed as needed to provide sugar for cells
Functions of Carbohydrates 1: Cell recognition 2: Energy - only starch and glycogen as alpha 1-4 bonds can be broken by enzyme 3: Structure - cellulose keeps plant cell walls rigid
Alpha Glucose OH group on right hand side is DOWN
Beta Glucose OH group on right is UP
Alpha Glucose Monomer Linkage Form alpha 1-4 glycosidic bonds. All right hand OH groups are down
Beta Glucose Monomer Linkage For beta 1-4 glycosidic bonds. OH groups alternate between up and down
Lipids 1: Not polymers 2: Heterogenous 3: Hydrophobic
Functions of Lipids 1: Structural - e.g. cholestrol and phospholipids in cell membrane 2: Regulatory - cholestrol -> testoterone -> estradiol (oestrogen) 3: Energy - more carbons in fat, thus more carbons oxidised -> more energy
3 Major Forms of Bacteria 1: Spherical 2: Rod-shaped 3: Spiral
Fimbriae Hairlike appendages for attaching to surfaces (shorter and more numerous than pili, generally)
Nucleoid Region containing DNA in prokaryote
Flagella Protein (flagellin) for movement. Anticlockwise rotation - run Clockwise rotation - random movement (tumble)
Capsule (bacteria) Usually a carbohydrate (if well organised - sticky. If not as well organised - slippery layer) Prevents dessication Increases resistance to phagocytosis Increases adhesion to solid surfaces
Gram-positive Bacteria Has a thick peptidoglycan layer which forms cell wall, membrane is underneath Peptidoglycan traps crystal violet, which masks safranin dye
Gram-negative Bacteria Cell wall made up of an outer membrane, followed by a thin peptidoglycan later. Inner membrane underneath. Crystal violet is easily rinsed away, revealing the red safranin dye
Endospore (prokaryotes) 'Seed' like condensed nuclear material Surrounded by two coats of protein Produced in adverse conditions Allows DNA to resist damage by: -heat -chemicals -dessication
Viruses Obligate parasites Infectious particle consisting of littler more than genes packaged in a protein coat DNA or RNA
Capsid (virus) Protein shell. Subunits - capsomeres
Viral Envelope Derived from membranes of the host cell
Bacteriophages Viruses that infect bacteria
Lytic Cycle of Phage Infection Replicative process that results in death of host cell. Virulant phages are phages that replicate only with lytic cycle 1: Attachment 2: Entry of phage DNA and degradation of host DNA 3: Synthesis of viral genomes and proteins 4: Self-assembly 5: Release
Lysogenic Cycle of Infection Replication of phage genome without killing host cell. Phages capable of both cycles are temperate phages. Phage DNA mixes with host DNA, then phage DNA called prophage
Viroids Chunks of single strand RNA
Prions Altered form of protein Transmissable Spreads self in cell where mutation occurred Undegradable Attaches to protein and changes it to prion
Cell Functions 1: Manufacture cellular materials 2: Obtain raw materials 3: Remove waste 4: Generate required energy 5: Control all of the above
Organelle Functions 1: Provide special conditions for specific processes 2: Keep incompatible processes apart 3: Allow high concentrations of substances 4: Form concentration gradients 5: Package materials for transport or export
Membrane Provide semi-permeable barrier Can be fluid or viscous If tails are unsaturated packing is prevented and the membrane is fluid If tails are saturated then tails pack together and membrane is viscous Cholestrol in tails - reduces fluidity at moderate temps, but increases fluidity at low temps
Functions of Proteins in Membrane 1: Transport 2: Enzymatic activity 3: Signal transduction 4: Cell-cell recognition (some glycoproteins) 5: Intercellular joining 6: Attachment to cytoskeleton and ECM
Diffusion Movement from high conc. to low conc. So it is passive transport.
Facilitated Diffusion Movement of substances down their conc. gradients. Involves channel or carrier proteins Passive Channels may be regulated (gated) Voltage-gated channels allow ion fluxes Ligand-gated channels open in response to an extracellular signal
Active Transport Movement of specific substances against their conc. gradients Involves pumps Requires energy input (from ATP)
Endomembrane System Endoplasmic reticulum (ER), nuclear envelope, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vesicles and plasma membrane
Function of Endomembrane System Synthesis of proteins, transport of proteins into membranes and organelles or out of cell, metabolism and movement of lipids.
Smooth ER 1: Metabolism of carbohydrates 2: Lipid synthesis for membranes 3: Detoxification of drugs and poisons 4: Storage of calcium ions 5: Amount of sER can be increased or decreased to meet demand
Rough ER 1: Rough appearance due to ribosomes 2: Involved in protein synthesis 3: Secreted and membrane-bound proteins enter the lumen (interior) of rER 4: Processed via the endomembrane systems Note: synthesis of cytoplasmic proteins occurs on free ribosomes
Vesicles Sacs made of membrane
Golgi Complex Series of associated sacs Associated vesicles Has polarity: cis face (vesicles from ER arrive here) and trans face (processed vesicles leave here)
Golgi Functions 1: Glycosylation of proteins (sugars added to proteins) - important for surface proteins 2: Sorting proteins (adds molecular markers to direct proteins to correct vesicles) 3: Directing vesicle traffic (adds molecular tags (often short proteins) to direct vesicles to correct compartment)
Exocytosis Transport of molecules out of cell or to cell surface Regulated exocytosis: releases hormones and neurotransmitters
Endocytosis Bringing material into cell Receptor mediated endocytosis: collects and concentrates specific molecules
Phagocytosis Uptake of "food" particles
Pinocytosis Non-selective uptake of solutes
Lysosomes Digest cellular materials Contain hydrolytic enzymes Degrade proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids Digest endocytosed material and unwanted intracellular structures Whole cell destruction: autophagy
Cytoskeleton 3 major components: 1: Microtubules 2: Microfilaments 3: Intermediate filaments
Functions of cytoskeleton Maintain cell shape and holds position of organelles
Microtubules Composed of tubulin (protein) subunits May radiate out from an organising centre (centrosome) Resists compression Provides cell motility for whole cell and organelles
Cilia For whole cell motility. Rowing-like motion -> motion perpendicular to direction
Organelle Motility ATP-powered motor proteins can "walk" organelles along microtubules
Microfilaments Double chain of actin subunits (two intertwined strands, like string) Resists tension Cortical network under plasma membrane helps maintain cell shape
Intermediate Filaments One of several different proteins (e.g. keratins, vimentins, and lamins) Resists compression and tension Super coiled into cables Less dynamic than MT and MF Maintain cell shape Anchor organelles to stop them from moving Form nuclear lamina - holds nucleus in place
Cell Junctions Three major types: 1: Tight junctions 2: Desmosomes 3: Gap junctions
Tight Junctions Neighbouring cells tightly pressed together May form continous seal Prevent movement of fluid across cell layers
Desmosomes Anchoring junction Attachments between sheets of cells e.g. muscle Act like rivets (a "torn" muscle is a torn desmosome)
Gap Junctions A point of cytoplasmic contact between cells Ions and molecules may pass from cell to cell Allow rapid intercellular communication
Extracellular Matrix Composed of: Material secreted by cells (fibroblasts) Mainly glycoproteins Most abundant glycoprotein is collagen
Collagen Fibers Great tensile strength Approx. 50% of total body protein Embedded in proteoglycan matrix
Proteoglycan Matrix Resists compression and retains shape Proteins with extensive sugar additions Traps water in ECM
Fibronectins (Glycoprotein) Attaches cells to ECM
Integrins (Membrane proteins) link ECM to cytoskeleton
Why Cells Need Energy 1: To do work 2: Movement 3: Pumping substances across membranes 4: To maintain order
Cytosol (Energy Generation) Glycolysis (breaking down sugar) 1: reduces glucose into smaller units 2: releases some energy (2 ATP/glucose) 3: transfers electrons to the electron carrier NAD
Mitochondrial Matrix (Energy Generation) Citric acid cycle (Kreb's cycle) 1: Processes pyruvate 2: Releases energy (2 ATP/glucose) 3: Transfers electrons to NAD and FAD
Intermembrane Space (Energy Generation) Oxidative phosphorylation 1: Electron transport and chemiosmosis 2: Releases energy (26-28 ATP/glucose)
Mitochondria Structure Enclosed by two lipid bilayers Membranes contain special proteins Inner membrane is highly folded - cristae
Exergonic Processes Release energy
Endergonic Processes Driven by exergonic processes Absorb energy
ATP Hydrolysis An exergonic reaction One phosphate group is broken off Product = ADP + energy Couples to endergonic reactions
Coupling Example Phosphate from hydrolysed ATP couples to glutamic acid to form a phosphorylated intermediate (more reactive, so it allows reaction to proceed). Phosphorylated intermediate can bind with NH3 and phosphate group breaks off. Therefore products are glutamine, ADP and P
Fermentation Catabolism without oxygen
Aerobic Respiration Catabolism with oxygen
Cellular Respiration Steps 1: Electrons stripped from glucose are transferred to NAD (an electron carrier) 2: A dehydrogenase enzyme removes 2 hydrogen atoms from glucose 3: Transfers 2 electrons and 1 H+ to NAD+ 4: Above forms NADH - used to power electron transport chain
ATP Synthase Made from combining ADP and Phosphate An ion pump in reverse Uses H+ gradient to power ATP formation H+ ions flow into half channel H+ ions bind to rotor and change its shape Rotor spins After 1 turn of rotor, H+ ions exit to the mitochondrial matrix Rotor turns the rod which activates catalytic sites to produce ATP
Nucleus 5-10um diameter Contains most of cells genes Function: serves as repository of genetic info.
Nuclear Envelope Surrounds nucleus - composed of two membranes (both phospholipid bilayers) Inner surface lined by the nuclear lamina
Nuclear Lamina Composed of intermediate filaments Helps maintain shape of nucleus Organises packing of DNA
Pores in Nuclear Envelope Allow mRNA, rRNA, tRNA to leave nucleus Control signal movement into nucleus Energy and materials into nucleus
DNA A nucleotide polymer Double helix combined with histone proteins to form chromatin fibres
Chromatin Stores DNA
Formation of Chromatin Helix interacts with histone to form a 10nm diameter fibre \/ Further interaction forms 30nm fibre \/ 30nm loops to form 300nm fibre
Euchromatin Less dense chromatin Often genetically active
Heterochromatin Densely packed Genetically inactive Dynamic relationship between eu/heterochromatin
Plasmodesmata Channels between plant cells walls so molecules can move between cells
Vacuole Structure Surrounded by single membrane (tonoplast)
Vacuole Functions 1: Storage - Primary metabolites (growth associated) - Seconday metabolites (not growth associated) *molecules for defence (eg alkaloids) *molecules for signalling (pigments -> anthocyanins) 2: Degradation - breakdown of organelles and macromolecules (vacuoles contain hydrolytic enzymes) 3: Turgor - rigidity of plant cells - ^ concentrations of solutes in vacuoles have negative osmotic potential, so water uptake -plant cell wall enables water uptake without bursting -plant cells build up pressure - turgor pressure
Plastids Chloroplasts, chromoplasts, leucoplasts, proplastids
Chloroplast Structure Bound by two membranes Contains a third membrane system (thylakoid) Contains nucleic acid Outer membrane highly permeable Inner membrane more selective
Chloroplast Function Capture light energy and convert it to chemical energy
Three Compartments in Chloroplasts Stroma Thylakoid space Inter-membrane space
Thylakoid Lumen Space between thylakoid membranes
Chromoplasts Give colour to flowers and fruit Increased cartenoids (pigments) and decreased thylakoid membranes As fruit ripens chloroplasts are converted into chromoplasts
Leucoplasts Storage of 1: Pigments 2: Proteins 3: Lipids 4: Starch
Two Stages of Photosynthesis 1: Light reactions in chloroplasts 2: Calvin cycle in stroma, powered by light reactions
Chlorophyll Pigments that absorb light Chlorophyll a and b Embedded in membrane of granum (stacks of thylakoid)
Photosystem Molecule located in thylakoid membrane 1: Photon absorbed by chlorophyll 2: Transfer of energy to different chlorophyll molecules 3: Excitation of an electron from special chlorophyll 4: Electron transferred to primary electron acceptor
Light Reactions Electrons move from Photosystem II to cytochrome complex (H+ ions transport into thylakoid space, conc. grad. generated), then to Photosystem I, then to NADP+ reductase to form NADPH. H+ ions from Photosystem II and cytochrome complex go to ATP synthase to form ATP
The Calvin Cycle ATP and NADPH produced in light reactions used to fix CO2 and produce carbohydrate 3 Steps: 1: Carbon fixation: 3x5C + 3CO2 -> 6x3C 2: Reduction: 6ATP -> 6ADP 6NADPH -> 6NADP+ + 6Pi 3: Regeneration of CO2 acceptor: 3ATP -> 3ADP
Cell Wall Composition Cellulose - glucose polymer, highly ordered, long ribbon-like structures Cellulose forms microfibrils
Microfibrils Highly organised structures. Strong. Form major component of primary and secondary cell walls
Middle Lamella Thin layer rich in pectin. Between primary cell walls of adjacent cells
Primary Cell Wall Produced by young cells Relatively thin and flexible Cells are still able to grow 25-30% cellulose 15-25% hemicellulose 35% pectin 5-10% extensin
Primary Cell Wall Composition 2 phases: 1: Crystalline microfibullar phase - cellulose 2: Non-crystalline matrix - pectic polysaccharides - hemicellulosic polysaccharides
Pectin Branched, negatively charged polysaccharides. Bind water and have gel-like properties
Hemicellulose Heterogenous group of polysaccharides
Extensins Associated with cell wall extensibility Can be organised When disorganised (extensin cross-linking of pectin and cellulose) - dehydrates cell wall, reduces extensibility and increases strength
Synthesis of Primary Cell Wall Coordinated synthesis and delivery of: 1: Cellulose microfibrils of plasma membrane 2: Polysaccharides in the Golgi complex and transported to the wall in vesicles 3: Cell wall proteins (extensins) from the rER
Primary Cell Wall Function Structural support and influences cell morphology Protection Prevents excessive water uptake
Secondary Cell Wall Not all plants have sec. wall Produced only after cell growth has stopped Thicker and stronger than primary cell wall Provides more structural support than primary cell wall Made up of multiple layers
Chemical Characteristics of Sec. Cell Wall More cellulose Less pectin 15-35% lignin
Lignin Complex phenolic polymer Provides strength, rigidity and hydrophobicity to sec. cell wall
Pit Fields Areas of multiple plasmodesmata
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L5 Structure and Function of viruses
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L6 Cell Anatomy: Membrane bound organelles
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L3 Molecular Composition of Cells
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L7 The Endomembrane System
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L8 The Cytoskeleton, ECM, and Cellular Junctions (Cell Shape Regulation)
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L9 Energy in the Cell
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L2 Basics of Cell Biology
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L10 ATP and Redox Reactions
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