Gorbachev + the end of the Cold War


GCSE (Cold War) History Fichas sobre Gorbachev + the end of the Cold War, creado por Tasnim Quddus el 07/04/2016.
Tasnim  Quddus
Fichas por Tasnim Quddus, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Tasnim  Quddus
Creado por Tasnim Quddus hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

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GORBACHEV + COMMUNISM: > Gorbachev oversaw end of Cold War, fall of Berlin Wall + end of communism in Russia. > Was never his intention to undermine communism but hoped to rescue/protect communism.
GORBACHEV'S RELATIONSHIP WITH THE WEST: > Gorbachev= little foreign policy experience. > At first= viewed relationship with USA in simplistic terms. > E.G. At 1st after 1st meeting with Reagan (1985)= believed he was extremely primitive.
CAUSE OF GORBACHEV'S 'NEW THINKING': - PROBLEMS COMMUNISM IN SU FACED: >SU economy= weaker than USA's. America = excellent standard of living whereas USSR= dominated by shortages. E.G. Housewives in Moscow= queued up for 5hrs to get packet of sausages. > Many SU people lost faith in Communist Party.
GORBACHEV'S 'NEW THINKING': > His plan to revive communism= radical programme of reform: PERESTROIKA (Restructuring): Economic reforms designed= SU economy becomes more efficient. GLASNOST (Openness): Censorship of press to be relaxed. > Believed perestroika + glasnost= strengthen power of Soviet Communist Party. > He was very slow to allow democratic elections in Russia.
STRENGTHS + WEAKNESSES OF USA: STRENGTHS: > Excellent computer + space tech > Highly equipped conventional military forces > Growing economy WEAKNESSES: > Fewer nuclear missiles than USSR
STRENGTHS + WEAKNESSES OF USSR: STRENGTHS: > Warsaw Pact allies. > Greater number of nuclear missiles than USA. WEAKNESSES: > Committed to expensive war in Afghan. > Failing economy. > Old-fashioned tech.
GENEVA SUMMIT (1985): > First meeting between Reagan + Gorbachev= Geneva. > Reagan's aim for conference= persuade Gorbachev= wanted peace between superpowers. > Gorbachev's aim= persuade Reagan to drop plans for SDI despite being in weaker position. > Gorbachev= keen to establish working relationship with Reagan SO prior to meeting sacked Soviet foreign minister Gromyko + Appointed Shevardnadze= signalled end to aggressive foreign policy by Gromyko. > Geneva meeting= significant= 2 leaders able to talk + develop personal relationship BUT no arms control reached.
REYKJAVIK MEETING (1986): > More ambitious meeting. > Reagan proposed scrapping all ballistic nuclear missiles. > BUT Gorbachev= unwilling to agree to proposals as Reagan refused to drop SDI project.
REAGAN + CONCILIATION: > Saw Public= against Arms race. > Arms Race= cost a lot for USA + didn't want to display USA in negative light. > 1984= Reagan stopped using phrases like 'evil empire' + used phrases like 'mutual compromise'. > Widespread approval for Gorbachev + changes in USSR. Enthusiasm for Gorbachev's reforms= 'Gorbymania'. > Gorbachev= 1st ruler of USSR= gained significant public approval in USA. > Reagan got along well with Gorbachev + believed that he wanted reforms in USSR + end to Cold War. > When Reagan tried for détente= made sure got publicity right. E.G. When he + Gorbachev met= ensured their wives got along.
INF TREATY: >After Reykjavik meeting= American + Soviet diplomats continued to try + draft arms-reduction treaty= INF treaty signed in 1987. > Treaty eliminated all nuclear missiles within range of 500-5500km. > Treaty=significant= 1st treaty to reduce number of nuclear missiles that superpowers possessed. > During next 4yrs both sides destroyed 100s of missiles + strict procedures were placed= task inspectors to ensure treaty was followed.
WHY DID GORBACHEV SIGN THE INF TREATY? > Gorbachev saw nuclear weapons= highly expensive + added nothing to Soviet security. > Reagan persuaded Gorbachev= USA had no intention to invade USSR. > Gorbachev realised Soviet economy wouldn't recover if they kept spending money on nuclear weapons. > He believed disarmament= win him popularity in West= make profitable trade between USSR + West. > Believed political + economic measures= more effective in guaranteeing Russia's security than military strength.
SUMMIT CONFERENCE IN MOSCOW (1988): > They agreed to work towards disarmament for nuclear + conventional arms. > It eased tensions created by Afghan + opened way to arguments that took place after Reagan's presidency.
THE MALTA SUMMIT (1989): > Meeting between George Bush + Gorbachev. > Meeting started work on agreements that were to be CFE (1990) + START 1(1991):
THE CFE AGREEMENT (1990): > Signed by Bush + gorbachev. > Set limits to non-nuclear forces that Warsaw Pact + NATO could have in Europe. > Negotiations began in 1989 but process became difficult= USSR beginning to break up. E.G. Hungary= part of Warsaw Pact when negotiations began but left by event of treat being signed.
START 1 (1991): > Signed by Bush + Gorbachev. > Both sides agreed to reduce holdings of nuclear warheads by about a third= destroying them. > Also agreed= both sides continue reducing. > Didn't agree on all kinds of nuclear weapons
GORBACHEV'S ATTITUDES TO EASTERN EUROPE: > 1998= Announced that ideology should play smaller role in Soviet foreign affairs= USSR= wouldn't favour trade with communist states over capitalist countries. > Wanted Eastern European states to enjoy perestroika + glasnost. > Withdrew SU troops from Eastern European bases= save money.
BREAK- UP OF EASTERN BLOC: > Gorbachev still wanted to continue to strengthen communism by reform not weaken its control in Eastern Europe. > Once reforms started in Eastern Bloc= unable to contain it. > Before= Eastern Bloc relied on SU army= prop up pro-Moscow regimes. > Wouldn't be 2nd invasion in Hungary/Czechoslovakia= Eastern European gov= weakened.
THE FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL (Nov 9 1989): > Symbolised end of Cold War. > East Germany= slow to embrace perestroika + glasnost + even banned Russian publication during 1980S= too liberal BUT communist gov= unable to contain public's desire for freedom once neighbouring states abandoned communism.
THE FALL OF THE BERLIN RESULT (Nov 9 1989): > As soon as democratic elections announced in Hungary= Large amount of East Germans- through Hungary to West Germany= Forced East German gov to announce greater freedom of travel for East German citizens= allowed to cross border with West Berlin. > Thousands of East Berliners flooded check post + urged for entry in West Berlin. > Berlin wall= fallen + many people reunited with friends + families. > Opening of Berlin wall= 1st step towards reunification of Germany.
THE END OF THE WARSAW PACT: (1991) > Eastern Bloc disintegrated= unlikely that Warsaw Pact would survive. > Was an alliance= united communist states in Eastern Europe against capitalist states in West. > Pact no longer served any purpose= Poland, Hungary then East Germany= rejected communism. > Warsaw Pact officially ended in 1991.
SOVIET REACTION TO THE FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL: > Gorbachev widely respected for willingness to reform + break-up of Eastern Europe due to his policies. > SU= Treated with suspicion= leaders of Communist party believed perestroika + glasnost weakened communism NOT revived it.
SOVIET REACTION TO THE FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL: ' GANG OF EIGHT': > Group of senior communist gov officials= 'Gang of Eight'= removed Gorbachev from power. > Gorbachev prevented from returning to Moscow. > Gov declared state of emergency= reversed effects of perestroika + glasnost (freedom). > New gov goal= restore power of SU + secure future of communist gov. > New gov= lasted 3 days + Yeltsin= pres of SU defeated 'Gang of Eight'. > Yeltskin= Described new gov= 'illegal' + called on people of Moscow- resist regime.
GORBACHEV'S FINAL DAYS AS THE PRESIDENT + FALL OF SU: > August= Gorbachev returned to Moscow + resumed position as leader of USSR + had same intentions as before ( save Soviet communism) BUT coup ( Gang of Eight) damaged Gorbachev's authority. > Introduced new constitution= designed to Soviet republics e.g. Latvia + Ukraine= greater independence BUT leaders of those countries didn't want greater independence= constitution never accepted. > Gorbachev resigned as pres in 1991= end of Cold War.
THE END OF COLD WAR: > George Bush declared end of Cold War in Malta Summit= 1989. > Communism= undefeated + coup raised tensions between East + West. > Baltic states e.g. Latvia= became independent in 1990 + USSR accepted this in 199= copy-cat demands within SU. > Fall of SU= ended ideological battle between East + West. > Dissolution of SU= superpower conflict ended= America- only superpower.
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