

Film App Fichas sobre Editing, creado por Hansa Luximan el 27/01/2014.
Hansa Luximan
Fichas por Hansa Luximan, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Hansa Luximan
Creado por Hansa Luximan hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Editing Pudovkin = film is not shot, it is built. Hitchcock = scene is a piece of raw material which must be broken up, taken to bits before being woven into expressive visual pattern.
Selectivity Basic editing function = best shots. Editor chooses segments provide powerful, effective, significant visual and sound.
In camera editing Single shot. George Melies manipulates limit. Rearranging mise en scene.
Shooting ratio - coverage Cameraperson provides many takes of same action. Relationship between length and shot and which is used is called shooting ration. Coverage - number of shots of particular scene are taken from different angles/distances. Master shot intercut. Smooth editing of the finished scene.
Post production Rough cut, final cut. Fiction films - dailies in order to evaluate available footage. Post production, editor assembles takes into rough cut, making larger units.
Shot transitions Fade in, fade out Rear Window - passing of time Dissolve, lap dissolve Wipes, editing rules to limit number of probable combinations.
Continuity Editing System that uses cuts to establish space and tell stories efficiently, require min mental efforts from viewer. Each shot has a continuous relationship to next shot. -establishing shot, imaginary 180 degree space in which action happens -approximate experience of real time by following human actions
Spatial continuity establishing shot two shot reestablishing shots inserts cutaway non diegetic insert
Transitional devices Dissolves, fades, manipulate duration of narration. Acceptance of conventions, else we would be disoriented. Cutaway, condense time Duration of shots determine pace of editing. Controlling pace = long takes
Inserts Brief shot, close up, shot of a hand slipping into a pocket, smile that another character doesn't see.
Non diegetic insert Breaks continuity. Introduce object from outside of the world.
Temporal Relations Condense or expand time. Flashback, flashforward.
Abstract editing Match on action, direction of an action is editing to a shot depicting continuation of action.
Disjunctive editing Visible editing, links shots in less predictable relationships. Aesthetics, conceptual or psychological reasons. Disorient, disturb viewers JUMP CUT.
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