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Roger Rodriguez 2051
Fichas por Roger Rodriguez 2051, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Roger Rodriguez 2051
Creado por Roger Rodriguez 2051 hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Belt-tightening Reducir Costos. The company require belt-tightening.
Cash cow Producto que genera los mayores ingresos. Iphone is the cash cow of Apple.
Climb the corporate ladder Avanzar en los puestos de la empresa. I would like climb the corporate ladder.
Crunch time Momento de tensión o difícil. Good managers make good decisions in the crunch time.
Drum up business Hacer algo nuevo, algo que marque la diferencia. The organization uses recycled materials to drum up business.
Face the music Admitir un problema. It should to face the music to the economic problems.
Fast track a project Hacer que algo sea prioritario. The fast track project is expected to be completed by the end of 2016.
Generate lots of buzz Hacer que la gente hable de un producto. The company hopes Generate lots of buzz with its new product.
Hard sell Vender algo a la fuerza / venta agresiva. The company does not use hard-sell tactics.
Jump the gun Preparase para hacer algo. To jump the gun to competition.
Jump through hoops Superar las dificultades (burocráticas). To create a company in Venezuela must to jump through hoops.
Keep one's eye on the prize Mantenerse enfocado en el resultado final. Our organization must keep one's eye on the prize.
Keep something under wraps Mantener algo en secreto. The companies keep their innovations under wraps
My gut tells me Mi intuición me lo dice. My gut tells me that the new product will be a success.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained Si no arriesgas no ganas. In the business if nothing ventured, nothing gained.
On top of trends Tendencia / que esta de moda. Social networks help position products on top of trends.
Plug a product Promover un producto. The marketing agency plug a new product.
Rally the troops Motivar a los demás. A good CEO can rally the troops.
Yes-man Alguien que se quiere ganar al jefe. We will not just be the yes-man.
Dampen Mitigar. The new manager wants to dampen losses.
Forecast Pronóstico. Higher sales are forecast for 2017.
Unlikely Poco probable. Is unlikely that inflation fall the next year.
Boost Impulso. The economy needs a boost.
Chief Jefe. The executive board decided to replace the chief executive.
Spending power Poder adquisitivo. Inflation reduces the spending power of consumers.
Retail Detal. Retail sales are still rising
Gold rush Buen momento. Technology is gold rush in 2016.
Shelf Mostrador. Articles that want to sell must be visible on the shelf.
White goods Linea Blanca. The white goods manufacturers have adapted to new trends.
Brown goods Linea Marrón. The shop is devoted to selling brown goods.
Red goods Productos que se venden rápido. Mcdonals sells red goods.
Orange goods Productos que se cambian con eventualidad. Clothing is a orange goods.
Yellow goods Productos costos. The yellow goods are considered luxury goods.
Red tape Muchos obstáculos / burocracia. Must remove red tape to encourage the creation of new businesses.
In the red Números rojos / deber dinero. The financial statements are in the red.
In the black Solvente. The company expects to be in the black next year.
Blue-sky ideas Una idea sin pie ni cabezas. Economic policy of the government is blue sky ideas.
Blue-sky securities Un inventario que no se va a vender. The blue sky securities are not going to sell.
White-collar Hombre de negocios (gerencia). The white-collar worker earns more money.
Blue-collar Obreros (mano de obra). The blue-collar worker doing physical work
Pink-collar Atención al público (secretarias). The pink-collar jobs are mostly conducted by women.
Green-collar Empresarios ecológicos. The green-collar jobs are linked to the fight against climate change.
Growing up Creciendo. The stock price is growing up
Employee Empleado. The employee has a lot of work.
Employer Empleador. The employer is obligated to comply with the LOTTT.
Interships Pasantia. Interships in our company related with your Degree.
Charge Cobrar. A single charge for all services.
Income Ingreso. Tourism serves as a source of income to Mérida state.
Cover letter Carta de presentación. A cover letter helps get the job.
Leadership Liderazgo. Leadership is important in business.
Succints Precisa. The answer of manager was succinct
Applying Postularse. i'm applying for the financial analyst position.
Strengths Fortalezas. Strengths of the company they are human capital.
Environment Ambiente. Caring for the environment is very important.
Shareholders Accionistas. Slim is the majority shareholder in The New York Times.
Stakeholders Clientes externos. It has conducted external consultations with various stakeholders.
Leaks Fuga (información). The company must avoid leaks information toward competitors.
Crowdfunding. Micro financiamiento de muchas personas. Crowdfunding sites help gathering small-scale investors.
Chart Gráfico. The chart show the performance of the company in the stock market
Stock market Mercado de valores. Stocks do fall in the stock market
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