Features of Language


GCSE (Language ) English Fichas sobre Features of Language , creado por kelsey.le.grange el 30/01/2014.
Fichas por kelsey.le.grange, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por kelsey.le.grange hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

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List of three groups of three powerful words such as adjectives or adverbs. Used for persuasion and emphasis. Our priorities are “Education, Education, Education” – Prime Minister, Tony Blair
Repetition draws attention to and emphasizes the idea/word/phrase/theme/concept. It highlights its importance.
Personification when an inanimate object is given human qualities. For example ' the television stared at me across the room'. Personification often makes the reader feel inquisitive.
Imperative mostly found in advertisements. Imperative is a command or an instruction. It forces the reader to take action. It can also be persuasive at the same time, by making the reader feel guilty too.
Metaphor compares one thing to another. 'my brother is a monkey'. used to create a strong image in the reader's mind
Rhetorical question A question that does not require an answer. This feature is used to make the reader think about the possible answer and involve them in the text.
Simile A comparison of one thing to another using words 'like' or 'as'."The raindrops fell like tears". used to also create an imaginative thought of what is being described.
Pun The use of word play, when words are organised in an amusing way to suggest another meaning. Effects the reader by making the situation humorous whilst showing the intended purpose.
Figure of speech an expression that should not be taken seriously. 'pigs might fly', meaning not that there is pigs flying past your window but that something is probably untrue. used for emphasis.
Hyperbole (Hy-per-bow-le) An exaggeration. For instance, when the piece of writing states something is 'the best'.
Imagery When words are so descriptive they allow the reader to paint an image in their minds. Imagery is used to allow the reader to imagine the moment being described. Very effective.
Symbolism When an object is used to represent something important. (When people see a heart, they immediately think of love. So that heart has a meaning behind it.)
Alliteration When a series of words begin with the same letter. For example, ' the west wind whistled wildly'. Alliteration is used for a dramatic effect.
Sibilance When a series of words begin with the letter "s". Used for dramatic effect. S is a harsh sound.
Irony When words are used to imply an opposite meaning, or sarcastic language that can be used to mock. a means of expressing an attitude which is disguised by what will seems to be obvious. The effect is usually intended to be humorous, dramatic or tragic.
Direct adress Addressing someone directly. You, He, She, Them, Us, Ours
Emotive language to make the reader feel something toward the text or person in the text
Anecdote short account or story. persuades reader. makes them respond emotionally ans take in information
Facts and Figures dates, times, places, names. anything that can be proven correct. makes point more believable.
Inclusive language we, our, us- to include the reader. it appeals to them as they desire to be part of a group
Cliches over used phrases that the reader can quickly grasp and understand. reassures the reader with a familiar expression. "At the end of the day"
Personal Pronounces I, Me, used to show separation and for effect
Onomatopoeia Sound words- Band, Crash, Pop vivid language appeals to the reader and gives more effect
Adverb indicates manner, time, place, cause, or degree and answers questions such as "how," "when," "where," "how much". normally words ending in "LY" e.g quickly
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