
Fichas sobre CHAPTER ONE: HISTORY OF LAND OWNERSHIP, creado por m_boodhoo el 02/02/2014.
Fichas por m_boodhoo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por m_boodhoo hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What two doctrine of law relating to land ownership has arisen? 1) Doctrine of Tenure 2) doctrine of Estate
What are the 7 types of estates? 1) Estate to Uses 2) Fee Simple 3) Fee Simple with Conditions 4) Fee Tail 5) Future Estate 6) Leasehold Estates 7) Life Estate
Define Estate to Uses? ownership held for a future buyer and was often used to avoid dower rights (spousal rights)
Define Fee Simple? holder has most rights and fewest limitations.
Define Fee Simple with Conditions? created so that it terminates under certain conditions or some event.
What is a future estate? arises from life estate-a large portion of the fee simple remains when the life estate ends. Reversion & Remainder both have an % in life estate.
Define Leasehold Estate? % in land for a defined period
Define Life Estate? A grantor in a deed or will may grant an % in land to someone for a lifetime period. The % cease on the death ie to Jones for his life.
What is Concurrent Ownership? When 2 or more persons have a right of ownership at the same time.
What is Joint Tenancy? ownership of land by 2 or more pple whereby on the death of one, the surviving tenant acquires the whole % in the property.
What are the 4 Unities of Joint Tenancy? 1) Title 2) Time 3) Possession 4) Interest
What is Tenant in Common? Ownership in land by 2 or more pple where the % of the decease does not pass to the survivor, but is treated as an asset of the deceased's estate.
What is the Right of the Survivorship? Is important aspect of JT in which the % of the decease transfers automatically to the surviving tenant
What is the legal structure of a Condominium? Declaration (Constitution of the Corporation) & Description (blueprint)
List some ownership alternatives Condo, co-operative, co-ownership, partnership,
Describe co-operative housing? property is owned by a corporation and members have a lease for a specific housing unit and may be permitted to acquire a share in the corporation (equity co-op)
Define:EQUITY CO-OPERATIVE (WITH SHARED CAPITAL): involves a corporation that owns the land and buildings with members as shareholders in the corporation. Ownership is by share certificate in combination with an occupancy agreement relating to a specific unit
Define:NON-PROFIT CO-OPERATIVE (WITHOUT SHARE CAPITAL) has the primary objective of providing housing for its members without the purpose of gain for those members
Describe Co-Ownership? when 2 or more persons own property jointly eg owning a family home, 4 family members owning a recreational property etc
What is he difference b/t Real Estate vs Real Property Real Property includes both tangible (land and improvements) and intangible (rights). Property is viewed as real or personal. Real property is immovable while personal property is movable (chattels).
What are 5 Rights and Fractional (Lesser) Interests? air right, surface right, mineral right, easement and riparian rights.
what are 4 categories of govt limitations??? 4 categories: 1) Right to regulate (police powers) 2) Right to Levy taxes 3) Right to take private property (expropriation) 4) Right to have ownership returned if no heir can be found (escheat)
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