Flashcards- Elements 1.1


Opal Khan
Fichas por Opal Khan, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Opal Khan
Creado por Opal Khan hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is every substance in the universe made up of? Every substance is made up of building blocks called atoms.
How many types of atoms are there? There are about 100 types of atoms.
What does STM stand for? Scanning Tunnelling Microscope
What microscopes are used to see atoms? Scanning tunneling microscope (STM)
What are elements? Elements are substances that are made up of just one type of atom.
What is the air you breathe made up of? The air you breathe is made up of two elements- nitrogen and oxygen
What are the two classifications of elements? Metallic and non-metallic
What are some examples of metallic elements? Aluminium, iron, mercury, gold and silver
What are some properties of metallic elements? -Tend to be shiny -Can be stretched into wires -Can be bent and hammered into sheets -Are good conductors of heat and electricity
What are some examples of non-metallic elements? Carbon, Iodine, Chlorine and Sulfur
Which element is a liquid at room temperature? Mercury is a liquid at room temperature
What happens to non-metallic elements at room temperature? They tend to be solids or gases at room temperature.
What are some of the properties of non-metallic elements? -Tend to be dull -Do not conduct heat or electricity -Break or crumble when you bend them
How many known elements are there? There are 118 known elements.
How many of the elements occur naturally? Only 91 of them occur naturally.
What helps scientists understand the physical properties of elements? Scientists display all the known elements and their symbols in a table called the periodic table which lists the elements from lightest to heaviest which helps the scientist understand the physical properties.
What can atoms in elements exist as? -As single atoms -Clusters of atoms called molecules -In large grid-like structures called lattices
What are physical properties? Physical properties determine whether the: -Element is solid, liquid or gas. - Its melting and boiling point. - How well it conducts heat or electricity -If it can bend or whether it breaks when a force is applied.
What are monatomic elements? An element that consists of just a single atom.
How many monatomic elements are there? There are only 6 of the 92 naturally occurring elements being monatomic.
What are the 6 monatomic elements? Helium (He), Neon (Ne), Argon (Ar), Krypton (Kr), Xenon (Xe), Radon (Rn)
What are molecules? Molecules are clusters of two or more atoms bonded together.
How many oxygen atoms does each oxygen molecule contain? Each oxygen molecule contains 2 oxygen atoms
What are lattices? Lattices are large grid-like structures
What can metals and non-metals both form? They can both for crystal lattices
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