Ethics in the financial sector


AS (Ethics) Finance Fichas sobre Ethics in the financial sector, creado por Jevgenija Zukova el 04/05/2016.
Jevgenija Zukova
Fichas por Jevgenija Zukova, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jevgenija Zukova
Creado por Jevgenija Zukova hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What are our everyday interactions with financial services? > Wages and salaries > Shopping and bills > Mortgage > Insurance > Planning for retirement (pensions) > Saving
What are the features of information and advice? > Accurate > Up to date > Transparent > Timely > Sufficient but not too complex
Why would people need to be able to access information and expert advice before deciding which product suits them best? Because people don't know about their personal finances.
What are factors that influence financial choices? > The original want or aspiration > Feasibility of access to a financial product to fulfil the want or aspiration > Information sources > Personality > Price and product features >Reputation of the provider
What did providers ethically wrong in the financial crisis time? They maximized sales to achieve high targets but didn't think about the customers.
How is designed Financial legalisation and regulation? It's designed to 'make sure firms are giving consumers a fair deal'.
What are statutory objectives of FCA? Financial Conduct Authority is protecting consumers, to enhance the integrity of the financial system and to promote effective competition.
What are statutory obligations of PRA? Prudential Regulation Authority promotes the safety and soundness of firms and protects insurance policyholders.
How a provider might be acting legally and satisfying the regulator but still be deemed unethical? > Unfair behaviour to a group of customers > Implications on financial transactions that are beyond the interests of bank's customers as they affect the interests of other stakeholders.
What are outcomes of treating customers fairly? > Better culture of central > Products are designed to meet the needs of identified consumer groups > Consumers are provided with clear information at any stage > Advice is suitable > Consumers don't face any unreasonable after-sale barriers.
Why executive pay is an issue? Top directors of banks receive huge salaries and they grow every year
Why would providers need to consider effects of their decisions on stakeholder groups? Because there is much greater responsibility on providers and so they need to put pressure on policies to go further than conventional business goal of making profit.
To what refers CSR? Corporate social responsibility refers to any action or project in which a company goes beyond the interests of its shareholders and top management in order to benefit other stakeholder groups.
What is window-dressing? It's part of company's overall marketing campaign and aims to create a good image in order to cover up its other less political policies.
What is responsible investment? It's an investment that aims to meet the needs of people who care about how their money is used.
What is Ethical Investment Association? It's an organization that brings together and gives support to financial advisers who want to promote green and ethical investment.
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