Unit 7


Review of Unit 7 Concepts for AH 2.
Danielle Dietz
Fichas por Danielle Dietz, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Danielle Dietz
Creado por Danielle Dietz hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
American Indian Movement This movement worked to obtain compensation for the land that had been taken away from the American Indians.
Montgomery Bus Boycott Started when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama.
de jure segregation Segregation enforced by law
Betty Friedan Wrote The Feminine Mystique and helped organize the National Organization of Women to advocate for equal rights for women
segregation separation of races
de facto segregation Segregation by custom or practice
Brown v. Board of Education overturned the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson decision that had allowed separate public schools and ruled that de jure segregation was a violation to the 14th amendment.
integration The process of ending segregation
Civil disobedience protest without violence.
The 24th Amendment Made poll taxes illegal.
Cesar Chavez Started the Latin America labor movement and the National Farm Workers Association.
The New Frontier President Kennedy's domestic policy that funded education, medical care to elderly and help for rural areas
Plyllis Schlafly Opposed the Equal Rights Amendment for women. She was a conservative activist that thought the E.R.A. would take away certain female privileges.
Reaganomics President Reagan's domestic policy that was to fix the economy
New Federalism President Nixon's domestic policy that gave more power to the state governments instead of the federal government
Domestic Policy Refers to things that happen here in the United States and do not involve other countries
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