Wheatley - Ear Acupuncture


A-Level (Forensic - After a Guilty Verdict) Psychology Fichas sobre Wheatley - Ear Acupuncture, creado por Amelia S el 19/05/2016.
Amelia S
Fichas por Amelia S, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Amelia S
Creado por Amelia S hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Background = Offender does not have be motivated for it = Helps reduce withdrawal =Popular and cheap for prisons Inserts needles into parts of the body - Qi energy flow through pathways called meridians Many drug addicts are confrontational and so talk-therapy is hard
Background - Acupuncture Points Sympathetic Point Shenmen Point Lung Point Kidney Point Liver Point [Kidney and Liver Points help improve damage caused by drugs]
Sample 350 prisoners → from 6 high security prisons → received acupuncture and standard care programme (FOCUS) Control group: did not get acupuncture but did get standard care
Procedure 2 practitioners worked with 10-15 prisoners in a relaxed setting - Fine needles inserted into points - Prisoners then relaxed for 40 minutes - The returned to normal duties
Results - Qualitative Data Reported better sleep Improved relaxation Better coping skills Reduced nicotine cravings Amended Cognitions and health improvements Made more effort to communicate with family and attend classes Staff said they could tell when they had been to acupuncture since the wing was calmer and less demand for health services
Results - Quantitative Dat 70% reduction in drug related incidents 41% reduction in serious incident reports 42% reduction in positive mandatory drug testing results 33% reduction in positive voluntary drug testing results
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