25 questions for end of Year 8


25 questions
Fichas por Nabsyxx, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Nabsyxx hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Who was the first Tudor King? King Henry VII
When did Henry VIII rule England? 1509 to 1547
Name Henry's six wives in order Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleaves, Catherine Howard, Catherine Parr
Who wrote the 95 theses, and when? Martin Luther in 1517
Give the names and dates (when they ruled) of Henry VIII’s three children. Edward VI - 1547 to 1553 Mary I - 1553 to 1558 Elizabeth - 1558 to 1603
List THREE differences between a Catholic and a Protestant Church. Elaborate designs v plain wood Latin sermon v English sermon Expensive garments v cheap garments
What was ‘the split with Rome’? Henry wanted a divorce, so he split from Rome and started the CoE
What was ‘The King’s Great Matter’? Henry wanted a divorce and England was preoccupied with the political and religious questions attendant to what was called "the King's great matter."
What is meant by the term ‘Dissolution of the Monasteries’? Henry VIII disbanded Catholic Monasteries for both spiritual and financial reasons
What do we mean by the terms ‘Machiavellian Prince’ and ‘Renaissance man’? MP - being or acting in accordance with the principles of government analysed in Machiavelli's The Prince. RM - a man with many talents or areas of knowledge.
Name THREE individuals who were prominent during the Renaissance and give an example of why each individual was important. Michelangelo Da Vinci Machiavelli
Who was Bloody Queen Mary? Mary I, daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon
Who was Mary Queen of Scots? Daughter of James V of Scotland
Who led the Spanish Armada? In what year? Phillip of Spain, in 1588
What happened in 1605? The famous Gunpowder Plot
List the causes of the English Civil War - Charles married a French Catholic - He ruled without parliament for 11 years - The parliamentarians voiced their opinions of Charles
Who was Prince Rupert? Nephew of Charles I, sided against him in the Civil War
Name a battle that took place during the English Civil War. The battle of Marston Moor
On what date was Charles I executed? 30 Jan, 1649
What title did Oliver Cromwell take as ruler of England? Lord protector of the Commonwealth
What was the Restoration? The Restoration of the English monarchy in 1660 when the English, Scottish and Irish monarchies were all restored under Charles II after the Wars of the Three Kingdoms
Who was King between 1660 and 1685? Charles II
Who was King between 1685 and 1688? James II
What was the ‘Glorious Revolution’? when William of Orange took the English throne from James II in 1688.
Who was the first Georgian King? King George I
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