Medical Vocabulary


A group of medical-related words followed by their meanings. All the definitions come from Cambridge Dictionary. (Under construction).
Juca Sá
Fichas por Juca Sá, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Juca Sá
Creado por Juca Sá hace más de 10 años

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ACHE (/eɪk/) n. a continuous pain that is unpleasant but not very strong.
ALLERGY ( /ˈæl.ə.dʒi/) n. a condition that makes a person become sick or develop skin or breathing problems because they have eaten certain foods or been near certain substances.
AMBULANCE (/ˈæm.bjʊ.ləns/) n. a special vehicle used to take sick or injured people to hospital.
ASTHMA (/ˈæs.mə/) n. a medical condition that makes breathing difficult by causing the air passages to become narrow or blocked.
BANDAGE (/ˈbæn.dɪdʒ/) n. a long, narrow piece of cloth that is tied around an injury or a part of someone's body that has been hurt.
BLINDNESS (/ˈblaɪnd.nəs/) n. unable to see.
BLOOD PRESSURE n. a measure of the pressure at which the blood flows through the body.
BREAK (/breɪk/) n. a place where something has broken.
BRONCHITIS (/brɒŋˈkaɪ.tɪs/) n. an illness in which the bronchial tubes become infected and swollen, resulting in coughing and difficulty in breathing.
BRUISE (/bruːz/) n. an injury or mark where the skin has not been broken but is darker in colour, often as a result of being hit by something.
BURN (/bɜːn/) n. a place where fire or heat has hurt or damaged something.
CANCER (/ˈkæn.sər/) n. a serious disease that is caused when cells in the body grow in a way that is uncontrolled and not normal, killing normal cells and often causing death.
COULD (/kəʊld/) n. a common infection, especially in the nose and throat, that often causes a cough, a slight fever, and sometimes some pain in the muscles.
CRUTCH (/krʌtʃ/) n. a stick with a piece that fits under the arm, that you lean on for support if you have difficulty in walking because of a foot or leg injury.
CURE (/kjʊər/) n. to make someone with an illness healthy again.
DEAFNESS (/ˈdef.nəs/) n. unable to hear, either completely or partly:
DEATH (/deθ/) n. the end of life.
DIAGNOSIS (/ˌdaɪ.əɡˈnəʊ.sɪs/) n. a judgment about what a particular illness or problem is, made after examining it.
DIARRHEA, DIARRHOEA (/ˌdaɪ.əˈriː.ə/) n. an illness in which the body's solid waste is more liquid than usual and comes out of the body more often.
DISEASE (/dɪˈziːz/) n. (an) illness of people, animals, plants, etc., caused by infection or a failure of health rather than by an accident.
DOCTOR (/ˈdɒk.tər/) n. a person with a medical degree whose job is to treat people who are ill or hurt.
DRUG (/drʌɡ/) n. any natural or artificially made chemical that is used as a medicine.
EPIDEMIC (/ˌep.ɪˈdem.ɪk/) n. the appearance of a particular disease in a large number of people at the same time.
FAINT (/feɪnt/) n. the act of suddenly becoming unconscious.
FEVER (/ˈfiː.vər/) n. a medical condition in which the body temperature is higher than usual and the heart beats very fast.
FLU (/fluː/) n. a common infectious illness that causes fever and headache.
DIZZY (/ˈdɪz.i/) n. feeling as if everything is turning round and being unable to balance and about to fall down.
HEALTH (/helθ/) n. the condition of the body and the degree to which it is free from illness, or the state of being well.
HEART ATTACK n. a serious medical condition in which the heart does not get enough blood, causing great pain and often leading to death.
IMMUNITY (/ɪˈmjuː.nɪ.ti/) n. a situation in which you are protected against disease or from legal action.
INJURY (/ˈɪn.dʒər.i/) n. physical harm or damage to someone's body caused by an accident or an attack.
MEDICINE (/ˈmed.ɪ.sən/) n. treatment for illness or injury, or the study of this.
OINTMENT (/ˈɔɪnt.mənt/) n. a thick substance, usually containing medicine, that is put on the skin where it is sore or where there is an injury, in order to cure it.
OPERATION (/ˌɒp.ərˈeɪ.ʃən/) n. an occasion when a doctor cuts a body for medical reasons in order to repair, remove, or replace an unhealthy or damaged part.
PAIN (/peɪn/) n. a feeling of physical suffering caused by injury or illness.
PAINKILLER /ˈpeɪnˌkɪl.ər/ n. medicine used to reduce or remove physical pain.
PATIENT (/ˈpeɪ.ʃənt/) n. a person who is receiving medical care, or who is cared for by a particular doctor or dentist when necessary.
PHARMACY (/ˈfɑː.mə.si/) n. part of a hospital where medicines are prepared.
PILL (/pɪl/) n. a small solid piece of medicine that a person swallows without chewing.
PIMPLE (/ˈpɪ̩/) n. a small raised spot on the skin that is temporary.
PLASTER CAST n. a covering made of plaster of Paris that is put around part of someone's body, forming a hard case to protect them while a broken bone repairs itself.
POISON (/ˈpɔɪ.zən/) n. a substance that can make people or animals ill or kill them if they eat or drink it.
PREGNANT (/ˈpreɡ.nənt/) n. having a baby or babies developing inside the womb.
PRESCRIPTION (/prɪˈskrɪp.ʃən/) n. a piece of paper on which a doctor writes the details of the medicine or drugs that someone needs.
PULSE (/pʌls/) n. the regular beating of the heart, especially when it is felt at the wrist or side of the neck.
RASH (/ræʃ/) n. a lot of small red spots on the skin.
RECOVERY (/rɪˈkʌv.ər.i/) n. the process of getting back something lost, especially health, etc.
SIDE EFFECT n. an unpleasant effect of a drug that happens in addition to the main effect.
SICKNESS (/ˈsɪk.nəs/) n. the condition of being ill.
SORE (/sɔːr/) n. painful and uncomfortable because of injury, infection, or too much use.
SURGERY (/ˈsɜː.dʒər.i/) n. the treatment of injuries or diseases in people or animals by cutting open the body and removing or repairing the damaged part.
SYMPTOM (/ˈsɪmp.təm/) n. any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a particular disease.
THERAPY (/ˈθer.ə.pi/) n. a treatment that helps someone feel better, grow stronger, etc., especially after an illness.
THERMOMETER (/θəˈmɒm.ɪ.tər/) n. a device used for measuring temperature, especially of the air or in a person's body.
WOUND (/wuːnd/) n. a damaged area of the body, such as a cut or hole in the skin or flesh made by a weapon.
X-RAY (/ˈeks.reɪ/) n. an examination of a part of the body by taking and studying an X-ray photograph.
SYRINGE (/sɪˈrɪndʒ/) n. a hollow, cylinder-shaped piece of equipment used for sucking liquid out of something or pushing liquid into something, especially one with a needle that can be put under the skin and used to inject drugs, remove small amounts of blood, etc.
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