Chronic adaptations to aerobic training


The minimum period for chronic adaptations to occur with aerobic (endurance) training is 6 weeks, although they are more evident after 12 weeks. Chronic cardiovascular and respiratory system adaptations to aerobic training are primarily designed to bring about the more efficient delivery of larger quantities of oxygen to working muscles. Aerobic training effects are best developed through continuous, fartlek and longer interval type training.
Tiffany Stevens
Fichas por Tiffany Stevens, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Tiffany Stevens
Creado por Tiffany Stevens hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

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Increased pulmonary diffusion RESPIRATORY More O2 is diffused from the alveoli to the capillaries, resulting in more O2 being delivered to the working muscles
Increased ventilation RESPIRATORY V = TV x RR Ventilation will increased due to an increased in tidal volume (volume per breath). The more air we breath in @ max intensity, the more opportunity we have to diffuse O2 into our blood stream and into our working muscles.
Decreased O2 cost to the ventilatory muscles RESPIRATORY The intercostal muscles and diaphragm are more efficient in the contractions and require less O2. More O2 can be utilised at the working muscles.
Increased lactate inflection point RESPIRATORY The advantage increased LIP this is that the anaerobic glycolysis (lactic acid) system is not used as much until higher exercise intensities are reached. Lactic acid and hydrogen ion accumulation will be delayed until these higher workload intensities are attained. The athlete can ‘work harder and for longer periods’.
Increased stroke volume CARDIOVASCULAR Results from increased volume of the left ventricle. Also causes your HR to be lower at rest. Leads to more blood being circulated around the body @ max intensities. Meaning more O2 being delivered to the working muscles.
Faster recovering HR CARDIOVASCULAR When aerobically trained, an athlete will return to their resting HR due to their improved ability to deliver O2 to the working muscles and the decreased reliance on the anaerobic glycolysis ES. This results in the build-up of less metabolic by-products.
Capillarisation at the muscle (slow-twitch) CARDIOVASCULAR Capillary density will increase in the muscles, resulting in a greater surface area and more gaseous exchange occurring. (More O2 enters the muscles)
Increased blood volume CARDIOVASCULAR Due to an increase in RBC's and plasma levels
Increased red blood cell count CARDIOVASCULAR More haemoglobin in the bloodstream. This increases the O2 carrying capacity of the blood, resulting in more O2 being delivered to the working muscles.
Decreased blood pressure at rest and at sub-maximal intensities CARDIOVASCULAR Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels may decrease during both rest and exercise as a result of training. This helps to reduce resistance to blood flow and reduces strain on the heart, thereby decreasing the risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular conditions.
Increased A-VO2 difference CARDIOVASCULAR Increased muscle myoglobin stores and an increased number and size of mitochondria within muscles. Concentration of oxygen within the venous blood is lower, and subsequently the arteriovenous oxygen difference (a-VO2 diff.) is increased during both sub-maximal and maximal exercise.
Increased oxygen utilisation MUSCULAR Aerobic training enhances the body's ability to attract oxygen into the muscle cells and then use it to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for muscle contraction. * increased size and number of mitochondria and increased myoglobin stores.
Increased size of mitochondria MUSCULAR The mitochondria are the sites of ATP resynthesis and where glycogen and triglyceride stores are oxidised. The greater the number and size of the mitochondria located within the muscle, the greater the oxidisation of fuels to produce ATP aerobically.
Increased myoglobin stores MUSCULAR Aerobic training significantly increases the myoglobin content in the muscle and therefore its ability to extract oxygen and deliver it to the mitochondria for energy production.
Increased muscular fuel stores MUSCULAR Aerobic training also leads to increases in the muscular storage of glycogen and triglycerides, along with the oxidative enzymes required to metabolise these fuel stores and produce ATP aerobically.
Increased oxidation of glucose and fats MUSCULAR The capacity of the aerobic system to metabolise these fuels is increased. Therefore increased oxidation of fats as a fuel source — due to the increased storage of triglycerides, plus the vastly increased levels of enzymes associated with fat metabolism.
Decreased lactic acid production MUSCULAR As there is an increase in the body’s ability to produce ATP aerobically to meet energy demands of exercise there is a decrease in the reliance on anaerobic pathways to provide the required energy.
Increased oxidative enzymes MUSCULAR Increases the speed and capacity of the muscle to produce ATP aerobically. In this case enzymes speed up the chemical breakdown of fuel for energy production.
Increased muscle size (hypertrophy) MUSCULAR Muscle size increases to accommodate for the increase in muscular fuel stores and muscle fibres.
Adaptation of muscle fibres MUSCULAR Through appropriate training some of the fast twitch type 2A muscle fibres may take on characteristics usually associated with slow twitch type 1 muscle fibres. This means there are more muscle fibres to carry out aerobic ATP production, increasing the amount of ATP the body can produce aerobically at any give time.
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