Hesi A2 Vocabulary


Vocabulary words and definitions
Renee Hamilton
Fichas por Renee Hamilton, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Renee Hamilton
Creado por Renee Hamilton hace más de 8 años

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Abate Definition: Reduce in degree or intensity. Sentence: I hope this medicine will abate the pain in my leg.
Abdicate Definition: To give up or leave. Sentence: It is easier to abdicate your responsibilities than to be a good citizen.
Anecdote Definition: Short story or account of an event. Sentence: The nurses anecdote about her shift made us all laugh.
Assiduous Definition: Very careful and hardworking. Sentence: The nurse had a assiduous attitude while caring for her patients.
Benevolent Definition: Showing sympathy, understanding, and generosity. Sentence: Holding the door open for Marie was very benevolent of you.
Bias Definition: Unfair preference or dislike. Sentence: Some pateints are bias against young nurses.
Boisterous Definition: rough; rowdy; unruly Sentence: Your boisterous actions at school cannot be tolerated.
Brazen Definition: Bold or unrestrained by normal standards. Sentence: In a brazen assault, the gang fired their weapons at the policeman.
Brusque Definition: Attitude of shortness or rudness; gruff. Sentence: What did I do to make you so brusque with me?
Capacious Definition: Large in size or capacity. Sentence: My patient is obese so we need a more capacious bed.
Circuitous Definition: Lengthy due to being indirect or rounabout. Senence: It seems like you took a circuitous route, rather than using a more direct route.
Contingent Definition: Depending on something not certain; conditional. Sentence: The job offer was contingent upon the return of a clean background review.
Copious Definition: Abundant and plentiful Sentence: To avoid having a hangover, do not drink a copious amount of alcohol.
Deleterious Definition: Harmful or deadly to living things. Sentence: The overpopulation of large snakes in the forest is deleterious to the wild rat population.
Deter Definition: To prevent or discourage. Sentence: We bought a German Shepard to deter any uninvited visitors.
Diligent Definition: Persistent and hardworking. Sentence: Skyler is a diligent worker.
Disdain Definition: Lack of respect or intense dislike. Sentence: Pacifists are likely to disdain my right to gun ownership.
Endogenous Definiton: Something produced within the body. Sentence: Clostridium is formed by endogenous spores in various stages.
Enervating Definition: Causing debilitation or weakness. Sentence: The bosses rules were enervating and demoralizing.
Ephemeral Definition: Lasting only for a short period of time. Sentence: Because of her ephemeral memory, she forgets things all the time!
Exacerbate Definition: Make more bitter, angry, or violent; irriutated or agitated. Sentence: If you do not take your medicine, you condition will exacerbate, and you will feel worse.
Exasperate Definition: Worsen, make angry, or frustrated. Sentence: The exasperated patient refused to leave the hospital until they got lunch.
Exogenous Definition: Something produced outside the body. Sentence: A snail has an exogenous shell.
Extenuating Definition: Diminish the seriousness of something. Sentence: The doctor reduced the patient's meds because of extenuating circumstances
Fortitude Definition: Strength or endurance during a difficult situation. Sentence: Most successful businessmen are not afraid to show fortitude when they face failure.
Fortuitous Definition: Occurring by happy chance Sentence: Mark proved to be fortuitous by selecting all six winning lotto numbers.
Garble Definition: Confusing, not understandable. Sentence: Drunk patients often garble their words so you cannot underzstand them.
Hematologic Definition: Dealing with blood. Sentence: Laboratory people handle hematologic proceses.
Hyperbole Definition: Exaggerating; making something more than it is. Sentence: Although what I said may sound like a hyperbole, it really is the truth.
Imminent Definition: Very likely to happen Sentence: It looks imminent that my patient will be discharged today.
Impending Definition: The point of occurring; imminent. Sentence: We are impending my patients results.
Impetuous Definition: Undue haste without thought of consiquences. Sentence: His impetuous behavior landed him in prison.
Inconsequential Definition: Something without importance or significance. Sentence: At the end of the day, everything is inconsequential except for family.
Insidious Definition: Operating stealthy with evil effect; deceitful; treacherous. Sentence: The insidious patient planned to con the hospital out of their fortune.
Labile Definition: Unstable or likely to change Sentence: Some drugs are lible in their affectiveness.
Languid Definiton: Tired and slow. Sentence: I'm feeling languid today from lack of sleep.
Novice Definition: A beginner: inexperienced. Sentence: When it came to coding complicated functions, the inexperienced coder was a novice.
Ominous Definition: Portentous. Foretelling disaster; threatening. Sentence: The warning sounds of an ominous storm made us run for cover
Overt Definition: Obvious or visible Sentence: In some countries, racial prejudice is overt and not disguised in the least.
Paradox Defintion: Appearing conflicting or contradicting. Sentence: In a strange paradox, the medicine made Heather sick before it made her better.
Paroxysmal Definition: A spasm or a violent outburst Sentence: The patient has paroxysmal spurts every hour.
Pragmatic Definition: Concerned with practical matters and results. Sentence: The scientist had a pragmatic approach to dealing with the water crisis.
Precipitous Definition: Done rapidly without thinking. Sentence: You should think before you do precipitous stunts that endanger your life!
Precocious Definition: Showing advance development or maturity at an early age. Sentence: Although Jack is smart, he is a bit too precocious at six years of age.
Prudent Definition: Careful and sensible; using good judgement. Sentence: It is prudent not to go swimming during a hurricane.
Sagacity Definition: Sound knowledge, judgment, and foresight. Sentence: The coach’s sagacity enabled the team to win.
Sublingual Definition: Beneath the tongue Sentence: The nurse puts the thermometer probe sublingual.
Superfluous Definition: More than is needed, desired, or necessary. Sentence: In the age of technology, sending letters by postal mail seems superfluous to me.
Tactful Definition: Showing concern to not offend others. Sentence: The doctor was tactful as he told the woman about her incurable illness
Tenacious Definition: Determined without change or doubt from the plan. Sentence: Because Eva was tenacious, she rose each time she fell.
Terse Definition: To the point; consise. Sentence: As a nurse you should give terse answers to questions.
Transdermal Definition: Passing through the skin. Sentence: The ladocaine patch is transdermal.
Trite Definiton: Dull; common. Sentence: The patients pain is trite.
Venerable Definiton: Worthy of respect because of wisdom or age. Sentence: Mother Teresa is very venerable because she's been working as a tech for 20 years.
Venerate Definition: Regard with much repect. Sentence: The Bible says we should venerate our parents and our elders.
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