Stem Cells


Molecular Theraputics Fichas sobre Stem Cells, creado por lumen7 el 27/04/2013.
Fichas por lumen7, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por lumen7 hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
totipotent able to form any cell
pluripotent can form cells of a single lineage
two potential uses of pluripotent/totipotent cells 1. transplant undifferentiated cells to give differentiation in vivo 2. differentiate cells in vitro and then give to patient
potential stem cell sources blastulas, embryos, aborted fetuses, placenta, cord blood, adults, reprogrammed adult cells, chimeric clones, cloned blastulas
where are adult stem cell sources? bone marrow, blood, brain, skin, liver
main problems with adult stem cells 1. isolation 2. growth and differentiation in culture
inducers of differentiation 1.recombinant protein: Growth factors, ligands, cell signalling molecules 2. In vivo mis-expression causes cancer!
fears about theraputic cloning 1. are cells produced compatible with nucleus donor? 2. What is the role of the cytoplasm?
main problems in stem cell biology 1. safety/trials 2. ? rejection 3. what if mixture diff and undiff cells 4. transplanted cells age quicker? 5. can we supply enough theraputic effect? 6. potential mutations
what could we use stem cells for? islet cells; nerve cells (parkinsons, alzheimers); spinal cord injuries; MS; congestive heart failure; osteoporosis; liver disease
cybrid clones for stem cells research shows there are 2000 differently expressed genes in the cybrids vs human cells – essentially useless
a future use of stem cells new medications could be tested for safety on differentiated cells generated from human pluripotent cell lines.
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