Medicine and Surgery


Includes topics such as Galen, Hippocrates, theories and more ...
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Who was Hippocrates? Hippocrates was a Greek doctor who came up with the 'Theory of four humours', the Hippocratic Oath, the idea of observation and records and also wrote several books.
Who was Galen? Galen was a Roman doctor who expanded on Hippocrates' theory and came up with the 'Theory of opposites'
Who was William Harvey? William Harvey was one of the first people to challenge Galen's incorrect findings. He proved that blood circulates through the body and is not produced by organs and used up by the body as Galen stated.
Who was Andreas Vesalius? Andreas Vesalius was another person who proved Galen wrong. Andreas went through the anatomy of a human body and found out many mistakes in Galen's work. He went on to produce several books and diagrams of the correct anatomy of the human body.
What is the 'Theory of four humours'? The theory of four humours is where if your phlegm, blood, black bile (excreted waste such as poo) or yellow bile (thought to cause anger) was out of balance then you would be ill.
What is the 'Theory of opposites'? The theory of opposites is where you do the opposite of what was wrong with you ... e.g. if you are hot put yourself out in the cold to cool yourself down.
What is the Hippocratic Oath? All doctors were made to swear to the Hippocratic Oath similarly to modern day where personal information is not allowed to be shared. The Hippocratic Oath is what we now know as confidentiality. It meant that personal information of patients was not to be shared unless a second doctors opinion was needed.
What benefits were there to observation and records? It meant that if someone was to come in with the same illness/symptoms which another patient has suffered with then the doctors could diagnose it and use either a method which worked on the previous patient or another method if the previous one used did not work.
When did Hippocrates exist? When did Galen exist? when did William Harvey exist? When did Andreas Vesalius exist? c. 460 BC - c. 370 BC c.130 AD - c.210 AD 1578 AD - 1657 AD 1514 AD - 1564 AD
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