Th1L07 Co-enzymes


(Theme 1 | Cells and organelles) Medicine Y1 Fichas sobre Th1L07 Co-enzymes, creado por Emma Allde el 17/08/2016.
Emma Allde
Fichas por Emma Allde, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Emma Allde
Creado por Emma Allde hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Co-enzymes are also known as co-substrates
Are co-enzymes part of the reaction yes
What are the three most common co-enzymes NAD+ FAD ATP
In-organic co-enzymes are what metals
Where are in-organic co-enzymes found bound to the enzyme or can be provided by something else
Cu2+ aids and is often found where cytochrome oxidase (redox systems) in the active part of centre
Fe2+/3+ aids what enzymes (3) and is often found where cytochrome oxidase, catalase, peroxidase (redox systems) often form active part of centre
K+ aids pyruvate kinase (enzymes that aid phosphates to other enzymes)
Mg2+ aids which enzymes (3) hexokinase, C-6-phosphate, pyruvate kinase (enzymes that aid phosphates to other enzymes)
Ni2+ aids urease
Se aids and is often found where glutathione peroxidase (redox systems) often form active part of centre
Zn2+ aids (2) carbonic anhydrase, alchohol dehydrogenase
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