Sensation And Perception: Vision


Introduction to the topic of Sensation and Perception and investigating the human visual system.
Hannah Shakeshaft
Fichas por Hannah Shakeshaft, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Hannah Shakeshaft
Creado por Hannah Shakeshaft hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Sensation & Perception: Vision Objectives - Sensation Vs. Perception. - Human Visual Perception - Eye to the brain. - Role of Photoreceptors, Bipolar Cells, and Ganglion Cells in sensory transduction of light.
Receptors Using receptors for each of the senses - these are affected by physical (landscapes) or chemical (smells) stimuli.
Sensation The influence of our environment (physical and chemical stimuli) on our sensory receptors. Tainting the the way we communicate with the world around us through our senses eg. smell or taste.
Perception the 'result' of our sensations. this allows us to construct our own vision of the world on a sense-based reality. It usually involves the encoding of sensations and storing into our memory.
Are perceptions based on experience or are they innate? Experience based views (empircal or the empiricist) believe that perceptions are based on our life experiences and what we have learned. the innate based theory (nativist) perceive the world from an innate point of view.
A Sensory Threshold The threshold is the minimum level of stimuli which can be perceived by a particular sense organ.
Sensory Systems Sensory Transduction - The conversion of one form of energy (sensory stimulus) to another, sometimes numerous. Intensity Discrimination - The ability to identify patterns of nerve fibres, to distinguish between stimuli from moment to moment.
The eye: Vision The human eye is an organ that uses light reaction to create sight, interprets conscious light perception and vision including the differentiation of colour and perception of depth.
The Retina Consists of two photoreceptors: - Rods - Cones Two Cell Layers: - Ganglion Cells - Bipolar Cells
Rods - Roughly 120 Mil - Very Sensitive (more than cones) - may detect a single photon - Low contrast and acuity - Not Colour sensitive
Cones - 6/7 Million - Less sensitive - though are sensitive to colour - thus providing the eyes colour sensitivity. - Low light sensitivity - High Contrast and sharpness
Visual Pathways (Ganglion Cells) Ganglion cells are neurons that collect visual information in their dendrites from bipolar cells, then interpretating it to the brain by axons, creating optic nerves
Bipolar Cells Act either directly or indirectly to transmit sensory signal of information from the photoreceptors (rods and cones) to the ganglion cells.
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