Insurance Law Cases


Commerical Fichas sobre Insurance Law Cases, creado por katy_mcbride12 el 30/04/2013.
Fichas por katy_mcbride12, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por katy_mcbride12 hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Anthony Feasy cases 1- property you have a right in Macaura v Northern Insurance
Anthony Feasy cases 2 - life of someone you have a pecuniary or contractual relationship with Turnbull v Scottish Providents
Anthony Feasy cases 3 - seems to insure a property but insures something more eg adventure Wilson v Jones
Anthony Feasy cases 4 - interests are not strictly pecuniary eg life of husband or wife or in property that's not yours but you have a right to use The Moonacre
Insured must have an insurable interest Anthony Feasy v Sun Life
Need interest when contract signed – life assurance Dalby & India v London Life Assurance Co
Life assurance prove a financial interest or contractual relationship Turnbull v Scottish Provident
Indemnity insurance – need insurable interest at the time of loss Arif v Excess Insurance
Duty of utmost good faith as superior knowledge of the insured Carter v Boehm
Duty of disclosure – no if diminishes risk The Dora
Duty of disclosure - no if ought to be known by insured Cohen, Sons v Standard Marine
Duty of disclosure – no if information has been waived Mann McNeal v General Marine
Indemnity disclosure on what product insurer would consider material Life Assurance of Scotland v Foster
Agent-for-insurer, anything told to agent is told to insurer Arif v Excess Insurance
Continue insurance on the same terms Stockton v Mason
Warranties – every clause is basis Dawsons v Bonnin
Need to have basis for belief Macphee v Royal Insurance
Continuing warranties construed contra proferentem Kennedy v Smith & Answar
Only covered whilst carrying coal not timber Provincial Insurance v Morgan
Assignation – get not better right than assignor Scottish Equitable Life Assurance v Buist
Principle of contributuion – first insurer can sue second even if insured cannot Legal & General Insurance v Drake
Clause of only one insurance only stands if only one has it Weddell
Indemnity insurance puts you in position you would have been in Hercules Insurance v Hunter
Cannot claim twice Elcock v Thomson
Subrogation – only if insured indemnified Scottish Union v Davis
Tenant/landlord subrogation – look to contract Tyco Fire
Underinsured – insurer can claim extra from third party not insured Napier v Hunter
Insurer does not need to meet a fraudulent claim Fargnoli v G A Bonus
Notify insurance company as soon as possible or it’s not valid Verelst’s Administratrix v Motor Insurance
If there’s a time limit, not much court can do about it Farrell v Federal Employer’s
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