Specialty Exams - Contrast Echo


Echo Fichas sobre Specialty Exams - Contrast Echo, creado por ecmarchese el 18/03/2014.
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Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
_______ can be used as a contrast agent during a TEE/TTE Agitated saline
How is agitated saline used and what is it used to look for? Injected through an IV and travels to right side of the heart; bubbles will be seen traveling to the left atrium; saline is usually absorbed in the lungs so will not be seen normally in the left side Used to look for IAS shunts; usually looking for PFO
Why were new contrast agents developed (gas bubble with fat) to improve LV endocardial border resolution
When can new contrast agents be used? During normal echo exams or during stress echo
True/False: contrast agent is small enough to pass by the lungs (not absorbed) and present in the LV True - smaller than a RBC
Some common contrast agents Imigent (not a front runner) Optison (actual traces of human blood) Definity (All man made)
Indications for contrast use Better LV endocardial resolution for poor echo images Improved assessment of LV function Assessment for thrombus, atypical deformities (I.e. Apical hypertrophic CM)
Contraindications for contrast Pregnancy (not researched) Septal defects causing shunts (ASD, VSD, PFO)
Technique and equipment for optimum image Harmonic setting, low mechanical index (0.3-0.5), focus mid screen, 12-15 CM depth (minimal visualization of LA), low frequency (higher penetration)
With contrast perfusion imaging, how is the and what contrast is injected? With a vasodilator Adenosine or persantine; common contrast used is Definity MCE
How does contrast perfusion imaging show up? Seen as light gray bubbles within the myocardium (can use color to see better) but black indicates no perfusion
When is contrast perfusion helpful? When catch lab determines reflow but unable to determine epicardium and not myocardium. Contrast perfusion can determine the difference
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Cardiac anatomy
Systemic disease
Cardiac trauma
Prosthetic heart valves
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Pericardial effusion
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Pericardial Disease
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