Energy Key Terms


Fichas sobre Energy Key Terms, creado por Emily Irving el 06/10/2016.
Emily Irving
Fichas por Emily Irving, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Emily Irving
Creado por Emily Irving hace más de 8 años

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Calories and Joules Calories - energy in food measured in terms of kilocalories Joules - Unit to express energy (J) *both used for the declaration of the energy value of food stuffs on pack labels
Energy Body growth, development and functioning cannot be explained without referring to energy: fuel of life is dependent on energy transformations. Food bring vital energy we burn throughout the day
Energy balance The state of which energy intake, in the form of food and/or alcohol, matches the energy expended, primarily through basal metabolism and physical activity. Ratio of input to output
Positive energy imbalance The long term effect is an excessive accumulation of fat leading to overweight. It may be established if we ignore the size of our true appetite and eat a little too much
Negative energy balance Established if we take less energy in food than we use in metabolism and activity. The stored reserves of fat are used to provide the extra energy deficit. In this way the fatty tissues are slowly depleted
Factors affecting energy expenditure - Age - Body size - Level of activity - Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Basal metabolic rate (BMR) Amount of energy burned when our body is at rest. Energy required for the basal functioning of our vital organs. It counts for 60-70% of out total daily requirement. Varies from person to person (women and children have lower BMR)
Thyroxin Major hormone which can control metabolic rate. The activity of the thyroid gland can be overactive (high BMR, active)or under active (low BMR, inactive) . Thyroxin helps to alleviate this condition.
Thermogenic effect on food The intake of food stimulates metabolism and after a meal, metabolic rate increases. The extra energy appears in the form of heat. A quantity of energy is used for digesting, absorbing and storing - accounts for 10% of daily requirement
Estimated average requirements (EARs) Estimate of average requirement of energy or nutrient needed by a group of people.
The scientific advisory committe on nutrition (SACN) Advises the government on diet and health
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