Unit 1.1 Solar Heating of The Earth


Fichas sobre Unit 1.1 Solar Heating of The Earth, creado por afiq abdillah el 11/10/2016.
afiq abdillah
Fichas por afiq abdillah, actualizado hace más de 1 año
afiq abdillah
Creado por afiq abdillah hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is the Sun powered by? It is powered by nuclear fusion.
How do nuclear fusion form? They form when hydrogen nuclei combine at extreme temperatures and produces helium nuclei and large amounts of energy.
How much energy is produced by the sun and how does it compare to us? The sun produces 63 million watts per square meter of its surface which equals to 3.78e+26. In comparison, the human race have used up about 15 thousand billion watts. This is about one ten-trillionth of the Sun's energy output.
What is the percentage of energy that makes it to earth? Approx. 40%
What does the energy from the sun heat? It heats the atmosphere, water and land at the surface.
What is the solar energy that enters the Earth's atmosphere? They are electromagnetic radiation that has a really wide range and differing wavelengths.
Why is the sky blue? The molecules in the air absorbs blue light. The molecules then scatter blue light in all directions allowing us to see it.
What are greenhouse gases? They are gases that absorbs lower-energy. Some examples include carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour.
Why is it important that we have to keep the Earth's energy levels same? It is because if we lose energy, the Earth will start cooling. On the other hand, if we gain more energy, the Earth will start heating.
Where does most of the energy on earth end up? They are usually radiated back into space and lost from earth.
Is climate change real?
How can volcanoes affect the climate? They can affect the climate by releasing large amounts of CO2.
Why do you wear sunglasses when snow-skiing? This is because the snow reflects so much sunlight (nearly 90%)
What is the ozone layer? It is a thin layer high in the atmosphere that absorbs ultraviolet radiation.
What is the greenhouse effect? It is an effect where absorption of electromagnetic radiation by gases occur; thus warming Earth.
What is the enhanced greenhouse effect? Effect of increase in greenhouse gas concentration.
What is a contrail? The long thin clouds created by the exhaust gases of high -flying jet aircraft.
What is CFC? It is a chemical that is used in refrigeration that damages the ozone layer. It has now been banned.
What would happen if there was no ozone layer. The ultraviolet light will reach the Earth's surface, causing increased rates of skin.
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