flashcards-data representation


Year 10 Computing Fichas sobre flashcards-data representation, creado por Amy Riley el 20/10/2016.
Amy Riley
Fichas por Amy Riley, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Amy Riley
Creado por Amy Riley hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
what does lossy compression do? Removes data so that the file size is smaller
what does lossless compression do? reduces the whole file size without removing data
when adding binary what does 0+0= 0
when adding binary what does 0+1= 1
when adding binary what does 1+1= 0 carry a 1
when adding binary what does 1+1+1= 1 carry a 1
when you do a right shift of 2 what are you dividing by? 4
when you do a left shift of 1 what are you multiplying by? 2
why do people use hexadecimal rather than binary? hexadecimal is a lot shorter than binary. hexadecimal is less susceptible to error.
What is a character set? the total list of characters available.
how many bits does ascii use? 7 bits
how many its does extended ascii use? 8 bits
how many bits does unicode use? 10 bits
what is used for a mobile phone that uses emojis? ascii, extended ascii or unicode? unicode
why is unicode used? it uses more bits so more characters are available
how do you calculate a file size? number of pixels in width X number of pixels in height X colour depth
how do you calculate the resolution of an image? number of pixels in width X number of pixels in height
what is metadata? metadata is data about the image data
what order does: terabyte, gigabyte, petabyte, nibble, megabyte, bit, byte and kilobyte go in smallest to largest? bit nibble byte kilobyte megabyte gigabyte terabyte petabyte
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