Causes, Practices, and Effects of World War 1


This set of Flashcards covers the Causes, Practices, and Effects of World War One.
Emma Pettersen
Fichas por Emma Pettersen, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Emma Pettersen
Creado por Emma Pettersen hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

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Total War A war in which a country devotes all of its resources, including land, capital, and people, to a war.
Homefront The land of the home country were actions that contribute to the war take place, even if the actions are not fighting.
Battlefront The land on which the war was actually fought
Propaganda A technique used by governments during war that used media to spread their views to their peoples, in the case of World War I, to bring its citizens in favor of engaging in the war.
Civil War A war fought within a country between groups in the country.
Conventional War Conventional warfare is a form of warfare conducted by using conventional weapons and battlefield tactics between two or more states in open confrontation.
Guerilla Warfare Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which a small group of combatants such as armed civilians or irregulars use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and extraordinary mobility to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.
20th Century European Empires Austro-Hungary, Britain, France, Germany, Russia
Militarism The building up of one's military, often very influenced by nationalism.
Who was the first alliance that affected World War One formed between? Germany and Austria in 1879, they were seeking an alliance against France, Italy joined in 1882.
What caused conflict in Austria? Austria had lost a great amount of its territory to the Great Powers of Europe in the 19th century.
The Bosnian Crisis In 1908, Russia allowed Austria to annex Bosnia in return for their ships access to the Medeterranean Sea. Austria annexed Bosnia but did not hold up its end of the agreement which angered many Serbians and led to riots and protests.
How did the growth of Industry affect weapons? The growth of industry allowed weapons to be produced much faster and on a much larger scale. This meant that World War One would have more advanced weapons and more of them available than in any previous war.
What early German plan dominated the war? Germany was attempting to execute the Schifflen plan in which they would attack and take France very quickly and swiftly.
What were the main problems with the Schifflen Plan? By the time it was put into practice, Russia had improved railways and readied forces far beyond what Germany anticipated. It also did not anticipate the resistance from Belgium or Britain's entrance into the war.
How did Russia break the Schifflen Plan? Russian troops were mobilized quickly and began attacking Germany at the east so Germany had to send some troops there and were not able to commit their full army to moving west and executing the Schifflen Plan.
How did the war affect Turkey? Turkey was originally pro- Britain but began to support the Germans because they believed they would be more effective in fighting off Russia.
What were the Characteristics of the Western Front? Early defense was easy using machine guns until trenches were dug. The railroad system allowed troops to be moved into and concentrated in specific areas very quickly. Soldiers had to conquer trench warfare to achieve any kind of victory.
What was the only real strategy for the war? The only real plan in 1915 was to use heavy artillery to inflict devastating damage on the enemy line, and then try to advance troops to gain control of the gap in the line and push forward. These attacks failed to achieve a major breakthrough.
Why were the Brisith unable to destroy the German lines? German troops were to well dug in so it was impossible to destroy all of their defenses - There was no element of surprise. The Germans knew when the artillery bombardment stopped their would be an attack
How did the war play out at sea? The war at sea was mainly between Germany and Great Britain. Germany U-Boats were continually attacking foreign ships and eventually began targeting US ships.
What brought the US into the War? Germany began unrestricted war far in the Atlantic to try and prevent American support and trade to Great Britain. This attack eventually brought the US into the war.
What was the war in the Air like? Initial plane use was for reconnaissance but the Germans began using planes to drop bombs which opened up the sky to warfare.
How did the war affect the Czar of Russia? In Russia, the disappointments of the campaigns of 1916, the shortages causes by poor management of the war, and large demonstrations in the capital led to the czar Nicholas abdicating the throne in Russia.
What was the greatest political challenge of World War One? The Russian Revolution of 1917
What affect did the war have on the Great Powers of Europe? The British and French Empires survived while the German and Austrian empires began to crumble and the Russian Empire underwent a revolution
What was the main treaty produced at the end of the war? The Treaty of Versailles
Who composed the Treaty of Versailles? France, Great Britain, and the US, were the "Big Three" but there were several other countries present at Versailles that benefitted from the Treaty.
What did the treaty of Versailles do to punish Germany? Redistributed territory, forced the country to pay reparations and have a limited military
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