Aspects of a novel


Fichas sobre Aspects of a novel , creado por rosannah galbraith el 06/11/2016.
rosannah  galbraith
Fichas por rosannah galbraith , actualizado hace más de 1 año
rosannah  galbraith
Creado por rosannah galbraith hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Plot action, sequence of events Narrative- adult-repentant
People characters personalities in story Scout - tomboy
Setting historical time, physical location 1950s- 1960s
form the structure chapters/parts organisation of materiel part 1: children part 2: Boo Radley
style elements of language , reference within the language Avocative
tone the attitude of the author critical of the racism through little girl
themes unifying ideas/topics 1. Racism 2. Fear 3. Prejudiced 4. courage 5. Acceptance 6. learning to understand people 7. tolerance
World created often fictitious mirror world of hers- ideas not fic.
kind of narrator specific observation point 1st person
Atmoshpere 1. setting 2. different characters action and interaction 3, attitude of author certain events
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