Energy Transfer by heating


Fichas por oliviabaines, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por oliviabaines hace más de 10 años

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Infrared Radiation(heat) -Electromagnetic spectrum, beyond visible red light -Emitted by all objects -Can travel through a vacuum -The hotter an object, the more radiation it emits in a given time
-Dark, matt surfaces are good absorbers and emitters of IR. Transfer energy and cool down quickly -Light, Shiny surfaces are good reflectors of IR States of matter -Solid, liquid, gas.Change them by heating and cooling
Solid -Fixed Shape -Transfers energy by vibrating -Good conductors(metals) Liquid -Can flow -No fixed shape -Particles in contact but can move about at random -Poor conductors
Gas -Particles are far apart, move at random, much faster -No fixed shape and can flow -Less dense
Conduction -One end of a solid is heated, the particles at the end gain kinetic energy and vibrate more -Energy is passed to neighbouring particles helped by free electrons colliding amongst the atoms -Occurs in metals Insulators -Poor conductors -Wool and fibreglass are good insulators as they contain trapped air
Convection -occurs in fluids -When a fluid is heated it expands -Becomes less dense and rises -Warm fluid replaced by cooler, denser fluid -The resulting convection current transfers energy throughout the fluid
Evapouration -Liquid turns into a gas -The most energetic liquid moleculesescpae from the surface and enter the air; the average kinetic energy of the remaining molecules is less so the temp. of the liquid decreases -So evapouration causes cooling Rate of evapouration increased by: -increasing the surface area of the liquid -increasing the temp. of the liquid -creating a draught of air across the liquid's surface
Condensation -Gas turns into a liquid -Takes place on cold surfaces(mirrors) Rate of condensation increased by: -increasing the surface area -Reducing the surface temp.
The greater the temp. difference between an object and its surroundings, the greater the rate at which energy is transferred This depends on: -the materials the object is in contact with -the object's shape -the object's surface area
Sometimes we want to maximise the rate of energy transfer to keep things cool -we use things that are good conductors -dull black -the air flow around them maximised Sometimes we want to minimise the rate of energy transfer of energy by conduction, convection and radiation - we use things that are good insulators -white and shiny -prevent convection currents by trapping air in small pockets
Motorcycle Engine Fins -Has many small fins to provide a large surface area so it keeps the engine cool and does not overheat - Releases heat quickly
Vacuum flask -stucture minimises energy transfer by conduction, convection and radiation -reduces the rate of energy transferto keep hot things hot and cold things cold
Specific Heat Capacity -amount of energy required to raise the temp of 1 kilogram of the substance by 1 degree c -The greater the shc, the more energy required for each degree temp. change -The greater the mass of substance being heated the more energy required for each degree temp. change
Energy transferred=Mass x shc x temp. change E=m x c x 0 Heating and insuating buildings -The rate of energy transfer to or from our homes can be reduced fibreglass loft: stops conduction Cavity wall: traps air in small pockets reduces convection Double glazing: reduces conduction through windows Draught proofing: reduces convection Aluminium foil behind radiators: reflect IR back into the room
U-Value -how much energy per second passes through different materials; allows us to compare them -The lower the u-value the better the material is as an insulator Solar heating panels -contain water heated by radiation from the sun -used to heat buildings/hot water -Cheap to run as they don't use fuel -expensive to buy and install -water not heated at night
Forms of energy -Light, sound, kinetic(movement), nuclear, electrical, gravitational potential, elastic potential and chemical -last three are forms of stored energy -Energy can be transferred from one form to the other -Any object above the ground has gravitational potential energy -A falling object transfers gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy
Conservation of energy -law stating it is not possible to create or destroy energy. It is only possible to transfer it from one form to another, or from one place to another -Total amount of energy is always the same. Applies to all energy transfers E.g. when an object falls, gravitational potential energy is transferred to kinetic energy -stretching an elastic band transfers chemical energy to elastic potential energy -In a solar cell, light energy to electrical energy
-A machine is something that transfers energy from one place to the other or from one from to another. The energy produced by the machine consists of: useful energy- energy in the place we want it and the form we need it wasted energy- energy not usefully transferred Useful energy and wasted energy both end up being transferred to the surroundings, which become warmer -As energy spreads out, it gets more and more difficult to use for further energy transfers -Energy is often wasted because of friction between moving parts of a machine
Energy(J) and Efficiency -Energy supplied is the input energy. From the conservation of energy we know: input energy= useful energy transferred+energy wasted The less energy that is wasted by a machine, the more efficient it is Efficiency=useful energy x 100 total energy
No appliance can be 100% efficient, except an electric heater, which usefully transfers all of the electrical energy supplied to it by heating its surroundings -Energy transfer through an appliance can be represented with a Sankey diagram
Electrical appliances -transfer electrical energy into whatever form of energy we need at the flick of a switch -lamps(light), speakers(sound),tv(light and sound) often transfer energy by heating -Appliances should be designed to waste as little energy as possible
Electrical Power -the power of an appliance is the rate at which it transfers energy -1 watt transfers 1 joule every second 1kilowatt=1000 watts Power= energy time taken(s) for energy to be transferred -Power is the energy per second transferred or supplied, so we can write the efficiency equation in terms of power
Using electrical energy -A kwh is the amount of energy transferred by a one-kw appliance when used for one hour Amount of energy transferred E= power x time taken -The electricity meter in a house records the number of kwh of energy used. If previous meter reading is subtracted from the current reading= the electrical energy used between the readings
The cost of the electrical energy total cost=number of kWh x cost per kWh -the cost per kWh is given on the electricity bill Comparing Cost effectiveness of appliances includes: -cost of buying the appliance -the cost of installing the appliance -the running costs -the maintenance costs -environmental costs -the interest charged on a loan to buy the appliance
To reduce energy bills many may buy newer, more efficient appliances, or install materials designed to reduce energy wastage -the payback time is the time it takes for an appliance or installation to pay for itself in terms of energy savings
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