hace más de 8 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
Phase out | Terminar alguma coisa para começar algo novo. Ex.: I am phasing out my studiyng habits and starting a new one |
Back down | Voltar atrás. Ex.: I had to back down and admit I was wrong |
Join up | Juntar-se ao resto Ex.: This week joined up with the rest of the classmates |
Book in | Reservar vaga em hotel Ex.: At hotels you usually book in before being given your key |
Piece together | Juntar as peças Ex.: It is easy to finish the investigation once the police piece together the facts |
Drop in | Aparecer em algum lugar Ex.: Everytime I am next to Silvia's house I drop in for a cup of tea |
Blow over | Desfazer-se Ex.: I hope that argue we've got blow over in a couple of days |
Look into | Refletir Ex.: If you look into your heart you will find the cause of your sorrows |
Put through | Completar algo de maneira satisfatória Ex.: I was waiting while the receptionist put me through the office |
Drift off | Cair no sono Ex.: Everytime I read that book I start to drift of |
Knuckle down | Começar a trabalhar sério Ex.: The exams starts in two weeks so I need to knuckle down some serious revision |
Give off | Rescender um cheiro desagradável Ex.: It was a really strong cheese and gave off this terrible smell in the whole house |
Ripped off | Pagar por algo muito além do justo valor Ex.: You can buy the same jacket in town for half of what you paid for it. I'm afraid you were ripped off |
Slam down | Derrubar algo com força Ex.: She was so furious with the receptionist attitude and slammed down the phone in anger |
Break into | Começar algo repentinamente Ex.: He broke into a run and we couldn't catch him |
Blow off | Não ligar, no sentido de não dar importância Ex.: Just blow off his coments, he is only joking |
Cut in | Interromper alguém que estava falando Ex.: I was talking to |
Face down | Enfrentar um problema ou situação Ex.: She faced down a mid-career crisis and emerged with a high position |
Make up | Inventar, criar Ex.: My dad was always really good at making up stories |
Fall off | Decair, diminuir Ex.: Production fell off last month |
Put on | Vestir, calçar Ex.: Please, put on your shoes |
Check out | Examinar, ver, dar uma olhada Ex.: Remember that you can check out us anytime |
Keep off | Retornar, ir em outra direção The railway is broken, please keep off |
Talk away | Jogar conversa fora Ex.: We went for a hanging out last night and talked away |
Make over | Refazer, renovar Ex.: The project they didn't make it. Please tell me them to make it over. |
Pay off | Pagar, liquidar saldar Ex.: Try something difficult, even if there is no guarantee it will pay you off. |
Hit upon | Ter uma ideia Ex.: Somebody in the marketing department has hit upon an a idea of giving away free pens to anyone who visits the office |
Set off | Zarpar Ex.: The ship sets off every evening. |
Pull down | Demolir Ex.: The ancient building is being pulled down by the government |
Pull through | Recuperar-se de uma doença grave Ex.: I pulled through from cancer two years ago |
Wrap up warm | Vestir roupas quentes Ex.: Don't forget to wrap up warm when you go out. It's a freezing morning |
Iron out | Resolver um problema ou situação Ex.: We had a very productive meeting and ironed out the most of the problems we had to deal with |
Pass on | Fazer alguém pagar por algo em seu lugar The company believe that can pass on the costs of campaign to the costumer and avoid having to go into debt |
Break in | Arrombar Somebody broke in last night and stole a computer |
Call around | Procurar em outros lugares Ex.:I'll call aroud and see if I can get a good price |
Turn up | Chegar em algum lugar Ex.: Everyone turned up on time for the meeting |
Take up | Iniciar algo Ex.: He told me he took up smoke when he was 12. |
Set up | Começar um negócio Ex.: They plan to set up an important business |
Call for | Exigir uma reação Ex.: This situation really calls for some major changes |
Put off | Despir-se Ex.: We must to put off our old self and be made new in the attitude of our minds. |
Shake off | Se livrar de algo em nós mesmos Ex.: You'd better to shake off your bad behavior |
Head off | Ter alguma atitude para evitar que algo ruim aconteça Ex.: The company are attempting to head off criticism of their recent poor performance by pointing out the difficult economic conditions worldwide. |
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