Phrasal verbs


Com tradução em português
Fichas por HORTENSIA FARIAS, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por HORTENSIA FARIAS hace más de 8 años
1 2 3 4 5 (2)

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Phase out Terminar alguma coisa para começar algo novo. Ex.: I am phasing out my studiyng habits and starting a new one
Back down Voltar atrás. Ex.: I had to back down and admit I was wrong
Join up Juntar-se ao resto Ex.: This week joined up with the rest of the classmates
Book in Reservar vaga em hotel Ex.: At hotels you usually book in before being given your key
Piece together Juntar as peças Ex.: It is easy to finish the investigation once the police piece together the facts
Drop in Aparecer em algum lugar Ex.: Everytime I am next to Silvia's house I drop in for a cup of tea
Blow over Desfazer-se Ex.: I hope that argue we've got blow over in a couple of days
Look into Refletir Ex.: If you look into your heart you will find the cause of your sorrows
Put through Completar algo de maneira satisfatória Ex.: I was waiting while the receptionist put me through the office
Drift off Cair no sono Ex.: Everytime I read that book I start to drift of
Knuckle down Começar a trabalhar sério Ex.: The exams starts in two weeks so I need to knuckle down some serious revision
Give off Rescender um cheiro desagradável Ex.: It was a really strong cheese and gave off this terrible smell in the whole house
Ripped off Pagar por algo muito além do justo valor Ex.: You can buy the same jacket in town for half of what you paid for it. I'm afraid you were ripped off
Slam down Derrubar algo com força Ex.: She was so furious with the receptionist attitude and slammed down the phone in anger
Break into Começar algo repentinamente Ex.: He broke into a run and we couldn't catch him
Blow off Não ligar, no sentido de não dar importância Ex.: Just blow off his coments, he is only joking
Cut in Interromper alguém que estava falando Ex.: I was talking to
Face down Enfrentar um problema ou situação Ex.: She faced down a mid-career crisis and emerged with a high position
Make up Inventar, criar Ex.: My dad was always really good at making up stories
Fall off Decair, diminuir Ex.: Production fell off last month
Put on Vestir, calçar Ex.: Please, put on your shoes
Check out Examinar, ver, dar uma olhada Ex.: Remember that you can check out us anytime
Keep off Retornar, ir em outra direção The railway is broken, please keep off
Talk away Jogar conversa fora Ex.: We went for a hanging out last night and talked away
Make over Refazer, renovar Ex.: The project they didn't make it. Please tell me them to make it over.
Pay off Pagar, liquidar saldar Ex.: Try something difficult, even if there is no guarantee it will pay you off.
Hit upon Ter uma ideia Ex.: Somebody in the marketing department has hit upon an a idea of giving away free pens to anyone who visits the office
Set off Zarpar Ex.: The ship sets off every evening.
Pull down Demolir Ex.: The ancient building is being pulled down by the government
Pull through Recuperar-se de uma doença grave Ex.: I pulled through from cancer two years ago
Wrap up warm Vestir roupas quentes Ex.: Don't forget to wrap up warm when you go out. It's a freezing morning
Iron out Resolver um problema ou situação Ex.: We had a very productive meeting and ironed out the most of the problems we had to deal with
Pass on Fazer alguém pagar por algo em seu lugar The company believe that can pass on the costs of campaign to the costumer and avoid having to go into debt
Break in Arrombar Somebody broke in last night and stole a computer
Call around Procurar em outros lugares Ex.:I'll call aroud and see if I can get a good price
Turn up Chegar em algum lugar Ex.: Everyone turned up on time for the meeting
Take up Iniciar algo Ex.: He told me he took up smoke when he was 12.
Set up Começar um negócio Ex.: They plan to set up an important business
Call for Exigir uma reação Ex.: This situation really calls for some major changes
Put off Despir-se Ex.: We must to put off our old self and be made new in the attitude of our minds.
Shake off Se livrar de algo em nós mesmos Ex.: You'd better to shake off your bad behavior
Head off Ter alguma atitude para evitar que algo ruim aconteça Ex.: The company are attempting to head off criticism of their recent poor performance by pointing out the difficult economic conditions worldwide.
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