Strategy - Vietnam Part 2


(Vietnam) Military Strategy Fichas sobre Strategy - Vietnam Part 2, creado por SteveT el 04/05/2013.
Fichas por SteveT, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por SteveT hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What did Rosen say the US saw the war in 61/62? In military terms, and not in limited war terms
What did Stephen Rosen say military force was for in Vietnam? Not for fighting, but for barganing
Who was the air power author on Vietnam? Robert Pape
What was the first of Freedman's 'Catch 22s'? South could not be stabilised without pressure on the north/North could not be pressurised without a more stable south
What is Freedman's second 'Catch 22'? Prestige of the US attached to success of non-communist south/US could not walk away from a failing regime (threats to do so not credible)
What does Freedman argue became a strategic consideration for US? Maintaining reputation
What did Colonel Summers say in regards to lack of domestic support? It was a strategic vulnerability that our enemy was able to exploit
What did Colonel Summers think would have won the war? Massive use of force
When did Rolling Thunder begin? March 1965
What was the intent of Rolling Thunder? Coerce North into stopping support for NLF, and show increase morale in south
What did Freedman say was the effect of Rolling Thunder? Increase North's determination to win quickly
What were the two last air campaigns? Linebacker 1 and 2
How effective was Linebacker 1 and 2? More so, as campaign had become conventional
When was Operation Linebacker? 1972
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