natural and made reasources


check out my flashcards on the earths resources
khalil dunlop
Fichas por khalil dunlop, actualizado hace más de 1 año
khalil dunlop
Creado por khalil dunlop hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
what is an atmosphere layer of gases above the earth's surface
what is coal seam gas coal seam gas is a gas released from coal by frackin.
what is deposition the process in which sediments drop out of a moving stream of water, air or ice
erosion eriosion is the removal of sediments away from the place of their formation or deposition
fraking a form of mining in which water or other chemicals are pumped into rocks, causing them to fracture and release the non-renewable resource.
humus humus is the decaying of plants and animals and their wastes
igneous rock rock formed by the cooling of molten rock
minerals minerals are substances found in rock
non renewable reasource a non-renewable resource is a resource in which can not be renewed. for example fossil fuels
photosynthesis is the process by which plants use carbon dioxide, water and sunlight to make food
renewable resource is a resource in which can be renewed or recycled
reasource something that satisfies a particular purpose or need
sediment material such a silt and sand that is transported by water, ice and wind which forms a layer on the earth's surface
sedimented rock rock formed by compacting and sticking together sediments, for example, sandstone
weathering the process of breaking rocks down into smaller pieces
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