Unit 1.1 Igneous Rocks


Ahmed Almohammed
Fichas por Ahmed Almohammed, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ahmed Almohammed
Creado por Ahmed Almohammed hace más de 8 años

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Pregunta Respuesta
How are igneous rocks formed? Igneous rocks form from cooled magma that has risen from deep below the Earth.
Even though geoligsts cannot actually see whats inside the earth, how did they know that the earth consists of layers? Although geologists cannot actually see what is inside the Earth, their research show that it consists of layers. Every earthquake, volcano and earth tremor provides geologists with a little information about the structure of the Earth.They have concluded that the Earth is composed of layers.
What's the difference between magma and lava? Magma is composed of molten rock and is stored in the Earth's crust. Lava is magma that reaches the surface of our planet through a volcano vent or volcanic eruption.
What are extrusive and intrusive rocks? An Extrusive igneous rock cools very fast on the surface and is created by lava. Since the cooling process is very fast extrusive igneous rocks have very small crystals (fine grained). While an Intrusive igneous rock cools very slowly beneath the surface and is created by magma, resulting in large crystals.
How do crystals form on igneous rocks? When magma is solidifying, particles in the liquid may clump together to form structures called crystals. Crystals are solids that have a variety of special shapes. The slower the cooling on the formation, the larger the crystals formed.
What are minerals and their physical properties? Minerals are particular combinations and arrangements of atoms that can be identified by their physical properties which are the size and shape of the crystals that form them.
What are the other rock types? The other rock types are sedimentary and metamorphic.
What are the characteristics of igneous rocks? Igneous rocks are-: -Hard, because the minerals they contain are hard. -Strong, because the mineral crystals that make them are strong. -Made of interlocking crystals
How do geologists classify igneous rocks as extrusive or intrusive? Geologists use texture and colour to classify igneous rocks as either extrusive or intrusive.
What does the texture tell us about igneous rocks? Texture describes whether the rock is smooth or has obvious grains, lumps, air bubbles or interlocking crystals in it.
What does colour tell us about igneous rocks? Colour is linked to the minerals the rock contains. Dark-coloured rocks usually have a high content of heavy minerals. While Light-coloured rocks contain high levels of silica-like minerals.
Why do extrusive igneous rocks have very small crystals in them? Extrusive igneous rocks have very small crystals in them. The rapid cooling of these rocks makes the minerals solidify very fast, so large crystals don't have a chance to grow.
What's is the difference and similarities between Basalt and Obsidian? Basalt is an example of an extrusive rock with small ,visible crystals, while obsidian is an example of an extrusive rock with no crystals.
What causes extrusive rocks to contain a large number of spaces in them? Many extrusive rocks contain a large number of spaces in them. These are caused by gas bubbles, trapped when the magma cooled very quickly. This gives them a rough bubbly texture.
What's the similarities between scoria and pumice? Pumice and Scoria are extrusive igneous rocks exploded out as volcanic bombs. These rocks are full of holes caused by gas bubbles.
Why do intrusive igneous rocks contain large crystals? Intrusive igneous rocks contain large crystals, which can usually be seen without a microscope. These crystals are the result of slowly cooling magma. The crystals also interlock with each other.
What are the three main minerals in granite? The three main minerals in granite are -Quartz -Feldspar -Biotite
What are some uses for Basalt and Dolerite? -Basalt Buildings, concrete and floor tile -Dolerite Road surfaces, concrete
What are some uses of Granite and Scoria? -Granite Buildings, monuments, road surfaces, kitchen benchtops. -Scoria Landscaping, filters and concrtete, barbecue rocks.
What are some uses of Pumice and Obsidian? -Pumice Cleaning dead skin off feet, emery boards for shaping nails, some soaps that feel rough on your skin -Obsidian Scalpel blade for surgery in hospitals, ornaments and jewellery.
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