The Development Gap


GCSE Human Geography (AQA) Fichas sobre The Development Gap, creado por yusanr98 el 03/04/2014.
Fichas por yusanr98, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por yusanr98 hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Development The use of natural and human resources to achieve a higher standard of living.
Development indicators GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and GNI (Gross National Income)
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Total value of the goods and services produced by a country in a year.
GNI (Gross National Income) It is like GDP - but also includes money earned from overseas.
Per capita Per person
PPP Purchasing power parity
Correlation Connection between two or more things.
Human Development Index (HDI) Life expectancy, Education - both the literacy rate and the average number of years spent at school and GDP per capita PPP.
Standard of living How much money people have - so it is measured in GDP per capita.
Informal settlements They are also known as slums, shanty towns, or favelas in different part of the world.
Global inequalities Other way to describe the fact that our world is unequal.
Trade When countries buy and sell goods and services.
Exports Things they sell to other countries.
Imports The goods and services they buy from elsewhere.
Trade balance The difference between imports and exports.
Trade surplus The country becomes richer and people's standard of living improves.
Trade deficit The country will stay poor, get into debt and people's lives won't improve.
Newly Industrialised Countries (NIC) Countries which have become more important in world trade like Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan.
Tariffs Taxes and customs duties paid on imports.
Quotas Limits on the quality of goods that can be imported.
Free Trade When countries don't discourage, or restrict, the movements of good with tariffs and quotas.
Trading Groups These are countries that have grouped together to increase the amount they trade between them, and the value of their trade.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) Deals with the rules of global trade.
Fair Trade Trade between companies in developed countries and producers in developing countries in which fair prices are paid to the producers.
Highly indebted poor countries (HIPC) Are a group of 38 poorest countries with the greatest poverty and debt. They include Uganda and Honduras.
Conservation Swaps (Debt-for-nature swaps) A deal reached between a country which owes a wealthier country money. The wealthy country cancels the debt as long as the country in debt invests in conservation programmes.
Aid When a country receives help from another country, or an organisation such as an NGO(e.g. Oxfam), to help it to develop and improve people's lives.
Donor The country or organisation giving aid.
Recipient The country receiving the aid.
Non-governmental organisation (NGO) Oxfam or UNICEF
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