

- Response Time - Turnaround Time - Processing Time - Waiting Time - 3 Algorithms used in CPU scheduling - What are the advantages and disadvantages of various scheduling algorithms? - What is Starvation? - What is Monopolisation? - What is pre-emption?
Syabil Hafizdini
Fichas por Syabil Hafizdini, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Syabil Hafizdini
Creado por Syabil Hafizdini hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is Response Time? - The time taken for the CPU to start processing the task from the time the task is introduced
What is Turnaround Time? - The time taken for the CPU to complete the task from the time the task is introduced
What is Processing Time? - The time taken for the task to be completed by the CPU
What is Waiting Time? - Turnaround Time - Processing Time = Waiting Time
What are the 3 Algorithms used in CPU scheduling? - First Come First Serve (FCFS) – Jobs that arrive first in the queue will get to be executed first. - Shortest Job First (SJF)– Job with the least amount of CPU processing time gets to be executed first - Round Robin (RR) – Time slice is used and all jobs get a fair share of the time slice to be executed by the CPU
What are the advantages and disadvantages of various scheduling algorithms? - The different algorithms perform differently depending on the job sequence. - In general, RR provides a low RT for all sequences, making RR the most responsive, WT and TT vary, but too much context switching RR will result in overheads - SJF may lead to starvation - FCFS depending on the sequence. It might result in monopolization of resources if a long job comes first.
What is Starvation? - Starvation: when a process never gets its chance to be executed although it is ready.
What is Monopolisation? - Monopolisation: when a long process receives unfair share of CPU time by holding on to the CPU and resulted in other processes can’t be executed
What is pre-emption? - The CPU will stop doing a task and complete the important task. So the important task's Response Time should be 0s.
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