Of Mice and men-Prejudice


Fichas sobre Of Mice and men-Prejudice, creado por Greta Westwood el 05/05/2013.
Greta Westwood
Fichas por Greta Westwood, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Greta Westwood
Creado por Greta Westwood hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Does Curley understand his wife's needs? No, his idea of 'being there' for his wife is covering his hand in Vaseline.
What is the relationship between men and women in the novel? In the novel, men stereotype women and women stereotype men, they have a tendancy to undermine each other's dreams.
The boss is always giving Crooks 'hell' because He's an easy target
Crooks is even treated badly by characters who have little power because He has less power than they do
Candy calls Crooks a 'nice fella' but does he seem to care that the ranchers treat him badly? No - he pauses with 'relish' at the memory of one of the ranchers picking a fight with Crooks.
How does Slim treat Crooks? With civility - he doesn't talk down to him
Who goes into Crooks's room before Lennie and Candy do? Slim
Prejudice makes Crooks... Bitter
The dream farm appeals to Crooks because... He believes that on the farm he'll be treated more as an equal.
Crooks is the first one to realise that the dream isn't possible because... He's so used to disappointment
Candy is very old and he knows it won't be long before ... They "can" (fire) him from his job.
When Carlson wants to shoot Candy's dog, does Candy get much sympathy? No
Candy's dog represents Candy himself because... When it's too old to be useful it's got rid of. Just like Candy will be one day.
Curley's wife looks down on Candy too as... She dismisses him as a "lousy ol' sheep"
Steinbeck uses the character of Crooks to show ... How black people were usually treated in America in the 1930s
Prejudice and loneliness are linked because... Prejudice on the ranch creates loneliness
What do the men assume about Curley's wife? The men assume that Curley's wife is a tart - George says "She's a rattrap if I ever seen one."
Steinbeck presents Crooks as a desirable character to... Make a point against prejudice and racism
There is only one woman on the ranch and Steinbeck doesn't even give her a name to show That people were sexist in those days and women were seen as less important and only as a bit of property; 'Curley's Wife' - Curley's property.
From his possessions (rubber boots, an alarm clock and a shotgun) we can tell that Crooks is shown to be... Practical and active
Most of the men dislike Curley's wife, technically does she do anything wrong? No
The fact that Crooks has lots of books shows that He reads and thinks- he is intelligent
Steinbeck makes a point against sexism by... Showing some of the men to be scared/intimidated by the women instead of ruling over them.
What does Curley's wife assume of the men? She assumes the men are basically useless; she says; "If you had two bits in the worl', why you'd be in gettin' two shots of corn with it and suckin' the bottom of the glass."
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