1 - Irregular verbs in group


Study about irregular verbs
Fagner Ferreira
Fichas por Fagner Ferreira, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Fagner Ferreira
Creado por Fagner Ferreira hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
I won´t cut cost with my dog, she is very friendly and kind. I cut my finger with a Knife. I have been hurt. Cut / Cut / Cut cortar; partir; reduzir; recortar; castrar
How many dollars does it cost? Cost / Cost / Cost Custar / impotar Quanto custa isto?
You need to hit this target. Hit / Hit / Hit bater, ferir; atingir, alcançar
Please, don´t hurt my heart. Hurt / hurt / hurt ferir; doer; magoar; estragar; danificar
Please, let me see this book...When did you buy it? Let / let / let deixar; permitir; dar; alugar; fretar; conceder; descobrir
The woman put your hand on the oven. You hand is burnt now. Please, put this boxe on the table. Put / Put / Put colocar; pôr; enfiar; sinalizar; situar; propor; oferecer
Please, put theses boxes under the ladder. Put / Put / Put
The door shut after a strong wind. Shut / Shut/Shut fechar; cerrar; tampar; trancar; tapar; fechar-se; trancar-se (Com força excessiva)
I sent an email for you yesterday, Did you see it? Send / sent / sent mandar; remeter; despachar; enviar; produzir; emitir; derramar; espalhar; dar prazer (gíria)
I spent my last holiday on the beach. Spend / Spent / Spent passar / Gastar
Dont´spend all your money. You will need (require) its. Spend / Spent / Spent passar / Gastar
We built uncle's house, Build / Built / Built construir, edificar; fabricar
I lent the book: The man and the sea for my friend, but he hasn´t been bring back me. Lend / Lent/ Lent emprestar, conceder, dar, proporcionar, outorgar; doar; combinar com; acrescentar
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