Buddhist Art in Asia (pt 1)


Final, Key Terms
Mandy Wong
Fichas por Mandy Wong, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Mandy Wong
Creado por Mandy Wong hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Ashoka Maurya India, r. 269-232 BCE emperor/war lord in India; became a buddhist after a bloody battle
chunar Sandstone very shiny, softer stone, but very polished
chakra wheel
dharmachakra wheel of Buddhist law symbol of Buddhist teachings Buddha "turns the wheel of law"
Sarnath (Deer Park) Buddha's first sermon took place at Deer Park (Sarnath)
chakravartin "ruler/holder of the wheel" (Buddha is chakravartin of all chakravartins; Ashoka is a chakravartin)
The Great Stupa at Sanci 1st C BCE India
circumabulation clockwise, right shoulder towards center
3 Jewels of Buddhism 1. buddha 2. dharma - the teachings / law 3. sangha - the monastic community
parinirvana Buddha goes to parinirvana when he dies (nirvana after death)
jataka tales narratives about the previous life of the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Guatama
Monkey King jataka The Monkey King is one of the previous lives of the historical Buddha. Acts as a human bridge to save his troop from the King of Benares.
synoptic narrative single scene with the same character repeated multiple times to show action occurring in the scene; vs. panoptic narration (w/o repeating characters)
continuous narration single panel with multiple scenes occurring; has a sequence of events
yakshi nature deities from Hinduism; co-opted in Buddhism represented fertility and abundance
The Great Departure when Siddhartha Guatama leaves the palace, on a horse that is carried out of the palace so it makes no sound; usually has a parasol to represent holiness
Enlightenment and Defeat of Mara's Army Mara tries to tempt Guatama as he is meditating under the Bodhi tree to prevent him from reaching enlightenment, but Guatama resisted temptation
bodhi tree also known as Pipal Tree; heart-shaped leaves the tree under which the historical Buddha reached enlightenment
Kushan Empire 1st - 3rd CE modern Pakistan and northern India
Emperor Kanishka c. 78-101 CE great patron of Mahayana Buddhism Kushan empire
Gandhara city in modern Pakistan; deep drapery in robe; grey schiste; more Greco-Roman nose
Mathuran Southern India known for their sculptures in red sandstone; shallow drapery; usually robe is over one shoulder; flatter and broader facial features
Anjanata Caves Southern India, late fifth century cave temple commissioned by King Harishena (r. c. 462 - 481 CE)
chaitya hall prayer hall i.e. chaitya hall in the Ajanata Caves
vihara hall individual study rooms; not meant for circumambulation i.e. vihara hall in the Ajanta caves
Avalokiteshvara bodhisattva of compassion a.k.a guanyin, kannon, gwaneum
Padmapani holder of the lotus
Mahajanaka Jataka King Janaka jataka Janaka, rightful king, marries the daughter of his uncle (who is king) and becomes king. He becomes dissatisfied with palace life and leaves on horseback
Bamiyan caves 6th-7th C, Afghanistan
Yungang Grottoes c. 460-470 (Northern Wei), China commissioned by Tuoba Xianbei
Horyuji built mid-6th C (Asuka), rebuilt late 7th C (Hakuho), Japan oldest wooden temple in Asia built by Prince Shotoku's father, completed by Shotoku
pagoda East Asian Stupa relics underneath the stone platform
Tori Busshi Master Sculptor Tori; accredited with the Shaka triad active during Asuka period, mid 6th C
Yumedono hall of dreams, at Horyuji
hibitsu hidden statue i.e. Yumedonno kannon at Horyuji
Ernest Fenollosa & Okakura Tenshin late 19th C (Meiji period) discovered Yumedonno Kannon and commissioned Buddhist art in a more modern style
United Silla Period 668 - 935 late 7th C - early 10th C
Asuka period 538 - 710 CE (6th C - early 8th C)
Hakuho period 673 - 686 CE (late 7th C)
Northern Wei period c. 386 - 534 CE (late 4th C - mid 6th C)
Kim Daeseong 770 - 774 Prime Minister of Korea during the United Silla period; built Seokguram to defend against Japan
vairochana the Celestial Buddha all Buddhas at once
bhumisparsha mudra earth-touching mudra "calling earth to witness" i.e. Variocana at Seokguram
Seokguram artificial cave built from granite!
Amitabha Buddha of the Western Pureland
Todaiji Nara period (710-794) orig. 750s, rebuilt 1200s and 17th&18th C
Nara period 710 - 794 CE
swatstika Buddhist symbol for auspiciousness, good luck, and peace; contains the whole mind of the Buddha
Fukukenjaku Kannon estoric form of Kannon always has 8 arms!
Nara style natural and elegant human-like "almost ready to spring to life" idealized naturalism/realism
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