Multi Store Model of Memory


A level (Cognitive Psychology) Psychology Fichas sobre Multi Store Model of Memory , creado por Emma Lloyd el 03/01/2017.
Emma Lloyd
Fichas por Emma Lloyd, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Emma Lloyd
Creado por Emma Lloyd hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Who created the Multi Store Model of Memory? Atkinson and Shiffrin
When was the model theorised? 1968
What does the Multi Store Model compare the workings of the memory to? The internal workings of a computer- they cannot be easily altered and work in a set, mechanical way
What three stores does the MSM state memory consists of? The sensory store, short term store and long term store. Also known as sensory, short term and long term memory.
What is the purpose of the sensory store? To act as a buffer for all of the information our senses are bombarded with. It holds this attention for a short period until attention is paid to it. If attention is not paid to it, it will be forgotten.
How is sensory memory normally tested? A grid of letters is flashed onto a screen in front of participant for a brief moment and the participants are asked to recall as many letters as they can.
How many letters can participants recall on average from the test for sensory memory? 4.32
What is the duration of the sensory memory? A few hundred milliseconds
What is the duration of the short term memory? (Short term memory is the step that occurs once sensory information has been paid attention to.) 15-30 seconds
What happens to information in the short term memory after 30 seconds, if we have not paid attention to it? It is thought to go through decay
What did Peterson and Peterson do? Tested short term memory by giving participants a set of three consonants (eg, BDF) known as a trigram and then stopped their rehearsal by making them count back from a number in threes.
What did Peterson and Peterson find? Correct recall of the three consonants was pretty accurate after a short interval of distraction but if distracted from rehearsal for over 15-18 seconds, correct recall fell rapidly.
What is the capacity of the short term memory (According to Atkinson and Shiffren)? 5-8 items. Miller (1956) later referred to this as the magic number 7 (7 +/-2)
What is encoding? The way in which we remember a piece of information. For example, we don't always remember something we see as a visual memory. We can remember it in auditory form, hearing ourselves saying something such as 'I saw a dog'.
How does information get into the long term memory? Rehearsal from the short term memory
What is the duration of the long term memory? Potentially, long term memories can last a lifetime. It can also have a potentially limitless capacity.
Summarise the encoding, duration and capacity of each type of memory store in the MSM
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