Family terms


flashcards for sociology family terminology
Fichas por 08dobson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por 08dobson hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
ageing population population with more older people eg over 65
ageism prejudice against people due to age
arranged marriage marriage set up by parents where couple do not know
Birth rate no. babies born per year per 1000 of population
bisexuality attracted to both genders
civil partnership relationship between 2 people of same sex
classic extended family family with aunts/grandparents/other members
communes grass area outside estate/group in which possessions are shared
conjugal roles roles in family
death rate no. of deaths per year per 1000 of population
demography study of human population
dependency culture relying on state + others to provide
divorce rate number of divorces in population in year
domestic labour jobs to be done in house
dual burden burden of unpaid + paid work
empty nest family parents once children have left home
expressive role women - emotions + stresses
extended family other family members not nuclear
family man + woman + kids, kinship group
family ideology norms + values of ideal family
feminism aimed at equality for women
fertility rate number of babies per woman avg in fertile years
functionalism sections of society work together
heterosexuality attracted to person of opposite sex
homophobia prejudice based on sexuality
income money brought in
infant mortality rate number of babies that die per 1000 born
instrumental role breadwinner
integrated conjugal roles shared tasks
interpretivism based on meanings/emotions
kinship family, related by blood
liberal feminism things becoming more equal
life expectancy how long average person lives
living apart but together relationship separate houses
Marxism society favours ruling class
Marxist feminism society favours ruling class men
Matrifocal family focused on female
minority ethnic group smaller racial group
monogamy 1 man + 1 woman
morbidity rate of a disease
mortality can die
New Right support tradition
norms how you are expected to behave
nuclear family 2 parents- man + woman married, kids
patriarchy males decisions
polyandry 1 wife several husbands
polygamy more than 2 partners
polygyny 1 husband + many wives
primary socialisation how to behave taught by family
privatised nuclear family married man + woman, kids, no other connections
proletariat working class who offer labour
radical feminism patriarchal oppression
reconstituted family step families
roles things people do
same sex relationship relationship with man + man/woman+ woman
secondary socialisation how to behave shown by education/media
secularisation decline in religious belief
segregated conjugal roles clear differentiated tasks
serial monogamy several partners one after another
sex biological- man/woman
Sexism prejudice based on gender
sexual division of labour dividing what people do based on gender
singleton not in relationship
social class your position in society
social constructiom made up by society
social control rules + ways of controlling behaviour
social institution major groups in society eg education/school
social mobility moving social class
social solidarity bonds that bring society together- transmit history + culture
social structure way society is set up
socialisation teaching kids how to behave
stigma ideas of something as a bad thing
symmetrical the same, equality in roles
triple shift responsible for 3 jobs
value consensus hared ideas of right + wrong
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