1.1.a. 22 Divisions of bodhicitta


(Chapter1: Topic1: Mahayana Generated Mind) Ornament of Clear Realizations Fichas sobre 1.1.a. 22 Divisions of bodhicitta, creado por larafcosta el 08/04/2014.
Fichas por larafcosta, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por larafcosta hace casi 11 años

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(1) The subject—the generated mind concomitant with aspiration—is like the earth because, through inducing all paths, it is a property that is the basis of all wholesome qualities.
That concomitant with attitude is like fine gold, because it will not degenerate in attitude until enlightenment.
That concomitant with extraordinary resolve is like the new moon because it will increase all virtuous qualities, such as the close placements of mindfulness, without degeneration.
That concomitant with application that cultivates the similitudes of the three exalted knowers is like fire, because it burns the manifest firewood of the obscurations to the three exalted knowers of all.
That concomitant with generosity is like a great treasure, because it satisfies all sentient beings with resources.
That concomitant with ethics is like a jewel-mine, because it acts as a property that supports precious excellent qualities.
That concomitant with patience is like a great ocean because it is undisturbed by the descending of all undesirables of harm and suffering.
That concomitant with joyous effort is like a vajra because, through firm conviction in the path, it is inseparable from the Mahayana.
That concomitant with concentration is like the king of mountains because, through firm meditative stabilization, it is unmoved by distracting objects.
That concomitant with the perfection of wisdom is like medicine because it thoroughly pacifies the diseases of afflictive and knowledge obscurations.
That concomitant with skillful means is like a virtuous spiritual guide because, through the four immeasurables, the method for not discarding sentient beings, it does not forsake the welfare of sentient beings on any occasion.
That concomitant with prayer is like a wish-granting gem because, through the five clairvoyances, the method for having power over results, it accomplishes the result of wishes accordingly.
That concomitant with power is like the sun because, through the four means of gathering [disciples], it fully ripens trainees.
That concomitant with the perfection of exalted wisdom is like a pleasant Dharma melody because, through the four individual correct knowledges, the method for attaining complete liberation, it teaches the Dharma that makes trainees aspire.
That concomitant with clairvoyance is like a great king because, through unobstructed might which does not allow realizations already attained to go to waste, it accomplishes others’ welfare.
That concomitant with the collections of merit and exalted wisdom is like a treasury because it is like a treasury of many collections of merit and exalted wisdom teaching unsurpassable enlightenment.
That concomitant with the thirty-seven dharmas in harmony with the class of enlightenment is like a highway because all aryas of the three times traveled and will travel through that path.
That concomitant with compassion and special insight is like a mount because, through not falling into either samsara or nirvana, it progresses easily.
That concomitant with retention and confidence is like a geyser that spouts water and is inexhaustible because, through retaining previously heard and unheard dharmas, it is inexhaustible.
That concomitant with the festival of the four summations of Dharma is like a pleasant sound because it pleasantly proclaims [a sound] that causes liberation from cyclic existence to trainees who desire liberation.
That concomitant with the one path traveled is like the flow of a river because, through having attained the ability that subdues all trainees in common, the activities of others’ welfare are not different.
The subject—the generated mind concomitant with the truth body that enacts the welfare of sentient beings by emanating the twelve deeds—is like a cloud, because it is suitable to always display the twelve deeds—abiding in the abode of Tushita, continuing from that to enter the womb of the mother, and so forth.
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