Biology Unit 2 Key word cards


(Biology) Science Fichas sobre Biology Unit 2 Key word cards, creado por wsbell98 el 09/04/2014.
Fichas por wsbell98, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por wsbell98 hace más de 10 años

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Pregunta Respuesta
What is an active site? The site on the enzyme where the reactants bind.
What is an algal cell? Single or multicellulr organism that can photosynthesise, but is not a plant.
What is an allele? A version of a particular gene
What are amino acids? The building blocks of protein.
What is amalayse? An enzyme made in the pacreas and salivary gland which is used to break starch down into glucose.
What is a bacterial colony? A population of billionsof bacteria grown in culture.
What is bile? A liquid made in the liver and stored in the gall bladder which is released into the small intestine to neutralise acids.
What is biological detergent? Washing detergents that contain enzymes.
What is carbohydrase? An enyme which speeds up the breaking up of carbohydrates.
What is a carrier? An individual who is hetrozygous for a faulty allele that causes a disease in a homozygous form.
What is a catalyst? A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction. It is never used up.
What is a cell membrane? The membrane around a cell that controls what comes in and out of the cell.
What is a cell wall? A rigid structure which surrounds the cells of living organisms apart from animals.
What is cellulose? A big carbohydrate molecule which makes up plant and algal cell walls.
What is chlorophyll? The green pigment contained in chloroplasts.
What is a chloroplast? The organelles in which photosynthesis takes place.
What is a concentration gradient? The gradient between an area where a substance is at high concentration and an area where it is at low concentration.
What is cystic fibrosis? A genetic disease which affects the lungs, disgestive and reproductive systems. It is inherited through a recessive allele.
What is cytoplasm? The water-based gel in which organelles of all living cells are suspended.
Define the term "Denature". A change in the shape of an enzyme so that it can no longer speed up a reaction.
Define the term "Differentiate". What a cell become specialised for a particular function.
What is diffusion? The net movement of particles of a gas from an area of high concentraion to an area of low concentration.
What is digestion? Breaking down molecules into smaller molecules by digestive enzymes.
What are digestive juices? The mixture of enzymes and other chemicals produced bythe digestive system.
What is the digestive system? The organ system running from the mouth to the anus where food is digested.
What is a DNA fingerprint? The pattern produced by analysing the DNA which can be used to indentify an individual.
Define the term "Dominant". The characteristic that will show up in the offspring even if only one of the alleles is inherited.
What is an enzyme? A protein molecule which acts as a biological catalyst.
What is epidermal tissue? The tissue that makes up the outer layer of an organism.
What is epithelial tissue? Tissue made of relatively unspecialised cells that line tubes and organs in the body.
What is extinction? The permanent loss of all members of a species.
What are fatty acids? The building blocks of lipids.
What is fructose syrup? A sugar syrup.
Define the term "Genetic disorder". A disease which is inherited.
What is genetic material? The DNA which carries out the instructions for making a new cell or a new individual.
What is geographical isolation? When two populations become physically isolated by a geographical feature.
What is glandular tissue? The tissue which makes up glands and secretes chemicals e.g. enzymes, hormones.
What is glucose? A simple sugar.
What is a flagellum? A tail that some bacterial cells have.
What is glycerol? The building blocks of lipids (along with fatty acids).
What is glycogen? Carbohydrate store in animals, just as starch is a glucose store in plants.
What is an insoluble molecule? A particle that cannot be dissolved in a particular solvent such as water.
What is isomerase? An enzyme that converts one form of molecule into another.
What is lactic acid? One product of anaerobic resperation. It builds up in muscles with excersise.
What is light energy? Energy in the form of light.
What are limiting factors? Factors which limit the rate of a reaction e.g temperature, CO2 and light intensity (photosynthesis).
What is lipase? The enzyme that breaks lipids down into fatty acids and glycerol.
What is a lipid? An oil or fat.
What is meisosis? The two stage proccess of cell division which reduces the chromosome number of the daughter cells. It is involved in making gametes for sexual reproduction.
What is mesophyll tissue? Tissue in a green plant that where photosynthesis takes place.
What is a mineral ion? A chemical needed in small amounts as part of a balanced diet to keep the body healthy.
What are mitochondria? The site of aerobic cellular respiration in a cell.
What is mitosis? Asexual cell division where two cells are formed.
What is a multicellular organism? An organism which is made up of different cells which work together. Some cells are specialised for a particular funtion.
What is muscle tissue? The tissue which makes up the muscles. It can contract and relax.
Define the term "Net movement". The overall movement of something.
What is a nitrate ion? An ion which is needed by plants to make protein.
What is a nucleus? An organelle found in many cells containing the genetic information.
What is an organ system? A group of organs working together to carry out a particular function.
What are ova? The female sex cells, eggs.
What is oxygen debt? The oxygen that must be taken into the body after exercise has stopped to complete the aerobic resperation of lactic acid.
What is a permanent vacuole? A space in the cytoplasm filled with cell sap that is there all the time.
What is a phloem? The living transport tissue in plants which carries sugars around the plant.
What is polydactyly? A genetic condition inherited through a dominant allele that results in extra fingers and toes.
What is a predetor? An animal that preys on other animals for food.
What is protease? An enzyme that breaks down protein.
What is protein synthesis? The process by which proteins are made in the ribosomes based on information from the genes in the nucleus.
What is a quadrat? A piece of apparatus for sampling organisms in the field.
What is quantative sampling? Sampling which records the number of organisms rather than just the type.
Define the term "Recessive". The characteristic that will show up in the offspring only if both of the alleles are inherited.
What is a ribosome? An organelle in which protein synthesis takes place.
What is a salivary gland? A gland in the mouth that produces saliva containing the enzyme amalayse.
What is a sample size? The size of a sample in an investigation.
What is a sex chromosome? A chromosome that carries information about the sex of an individual.
What is the small intestine? The region of the digestive system where most of the digestion of food takes place.
Define the term "Specialised". Adapted for a particular function.
What is speciation? The formation of a new species once successful interbreeding with other population cannot take place.
What is a stem cell? An undifferentiated cell with the potential to become a wide variety of cells.
What is a substrate? The material or chemical on which the enzyme works.
What is a transect? A measured line or area along which ecological mesurements (e.g. quadrats) are made.
Define the term "Variegated". Having different colours e.g. a green and white leaf.
What is a xylem? The non-living transport tissue in plants, which transports water around the plant.
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