German foreign policy 1871-1914 and outbreak of WWII (years and numbers)


History Fichas sobre German foreign policy 1871-1914 and outbreak of WWII (years and numbers), creado por lies.vanlaere el 09/04/2014.
Fichas por lies.vanlaere, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por lies.vanlaere hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Years Bismarck was Chancellor 1871-1890
Dreikaiserbund formed in 1873
Crisis when Bismarck threathened the French with war but was forced to back down due to lack of ally support (year) 1875
Balkan crisis 1875-1878
Dual alliance establised in 1879
Triple alliance concluded in 1882
Reisurance treaty 1887
Years Kaiser Willhelm II ruled 1890-1918
Bismark resigns (month, year) March, 1890
Franco-Russian alliance concluded 1894
First German naval bill (year and what it planned) 1898 19 German battleships, 12 heavy cruisers and 30 light cruisers
Entente Cordiale 1904
Anglo-Russian agreement, Triple Entente established 1907
First Morroccan crisis 1905
Second Morroccan crisis 1911
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand 28th of June 1914
A-H declare war on Serbia 28th of July 1914
Russia mobilizes its forces; Germany mobilizes its forces 29th of July; 30th of July 1914
Germany declares war of Russia, France mobilizes 1st of August 1914
Germany declares war on France 3rd of August 1914
German forces invade Belgium, GB declares war on Germany 4th of August 1914
A-H declares war on Russia 6th of Aug 1914
GB and France declare war on A-H 10th of Aug 1914
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