Factors leading to the defeat of Germany (central powers) (years and numbers)


History Fichas sobre Factors leading to the defeat of Germany (central powers) (years and numbers), creado por lies.vanlaere el 09/04/2014.
Fichas por lies.vanlaere, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por lies.vanlaere hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Day the Germans invaded Belgium 2nd of August 1914
Ludendorff offensive of 1918
British naval blockade established in 1914 (just after the outbreak of the war)
German agricultural production fell by X% in some areas 70
Money (%) spent on military respective civilian sector in Germany and GB Germany: *Military: 83% Civilian: 2% GB: *Military: 62% Civilian 16%
Amount of money spent on the war: Germany, Britain, France Germany: 8300 million pound GB: 6418 million pound France: 5200 million pound
Number of Germans that had died due to starvation by March 1918 800 000
Lusitania sunk on (day, month, year) 7th of May 1915
Number of Americans that died on Lusitania 128
Unlimited submarine warfare limited in X (month, year) and reintroduced in X (month, year) Limited May 1915 (after Lusitania) Reintroduced February 1917
Zimmermann telegram sent on 16th of January 1917
US enters war (day, month, year) 6th of April 1917
By XXXX US troops were arriving at a rate of X per month 1918 300 000
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