The Second Cold War, 1979-85


Adam Collinge
Fichas por Adam Collinge, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Adam Collinge
Creado por Adam Collinge hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
When did Regan become President? 1981
What did Reagan beleive? That the USA had a mission from God to win the Cold War
What did Reagan win to potentially win the Cold War? Launched SDI (Starwars)
What was SDI? A plan to have satellites in Space that would destroy Soviet intercontinental missiles before they reached the USA
How did Reagan describe the USSR? an Evil empire that was not diplomatic
What else did Reagan do, to jeopardize the declining tensions? He kick started the arms race again. USA technology was developing at a fast rate in the 1980's, especially computers, and the USA poured money into developing new missile technology
Give five reasons the USSR could not keep up with the USA in the new arms race. 1) Its economy was in poor shape 2) Living standards were low across the Eastern block 3) It was split with the Afghan war 4) It did not have the same computing skills 5) SDI pushed the arms race beyond the USSR's capabilities
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