Creado por marianar.2010
hace casi 12 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
5 types of WBC | 1.Neutrophils 2.lymphocytes 3.monocytes 4.eosinophils 5.basophils |
erythrocytes | red blood cells, contains hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying protein) 4.2-6.2 million RBC's per microliter of blood, life span for a RBC- 120 days |
Leukocytes | white blood cells protects the body against infection, 5,000-10,000 WBC's per microliter Leukocytosis: ^in WBC (infection&lukemia) Leukopenia: v in WBC (viral infection&chemotherapy) |
thrombocytes | platelets, 140,000-440,000 platelets per microliter, life span of 9 to 12 days |
pulmonary circulation | sends deoxygenated blood from the RV to the lungs (alveoli give oxygen) sends oxygenated blood from the lungs to the LA |
systemic circulation | sends oxygenated blood from the LV to the body |
tricuspid valve | atrioventricular valve between the RA & RV |
pulmonice valve | Semi lunar valve between the RV & pulmonary artery |
mitral valve (bicuspid valve) | atrioventriculae valve between the LA &LV |
aortic valve | semi lunar valve between the LV & Aorta |
Layers of the Heart | 1.endocardium 2.myocardium 3.epicardium |
endocardium | inner layer: lining of the heart |
myocardium | muscular middle layer: contractile element of the heart |
epicardium | outer layer of the heart, the coronary arteries is found on the heart & supplys blood to the heart |
blood vessels | aorta, arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins, superior and inferior vena cavae |
aorta, arteries, arterioles | carry oxygenated blood to the body |
venules, veins, superior and inferior vena cavae | carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart |
Circrulatory | sends oxygen, nutrients, hormones and enzymes to the cells. send waste such as carbon dioxide and urea to the organs. |
heart |
fig1_crosslg (image/jpg)
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