Riddles on "what surrounds us" from Greece


Fichas sobre Riddles on "what surrounds us" from Greece , creado por Theodora Bougioukou el 08/02/2017.
Theodora  Bougioukou
Fichas por Theodora Bougioukou, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Theodora  Bougioukou
Creado por Theodora Bougioukou hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is that which sets your heart on fire , but at the same time it can make it too cold to break? LOVE
You are born with that. Usually you don't like it because of what other people think of it. What is it? YOURSELF
Everyone speaks highly of it, yet at times they don´t want to hear it. What is It? TRUTH
People claim they want it but they don't always fight for it. What is it? PEACE
They will laugh when you fall and will support you through it all. They are not here by choice. But they'll do anything to share your joys. Who are they? FRIENDS
I can enslave you. You can't see me nor touch me. But once you defeat me, you can overcome all the difficulties in your life. FEAR
When you see much of me on others' faces, you cheer up in seconds no matter how grumpy you are. SMILE
Everyone is born with it and they spend it recklessly. But in the end, they want more of it. What is it? TIME
I am not a necessity for you but you can't live without having me. What am I? YOUR CELLPHONE
You will always find me in your heart. You can't describe me with words but through actions, cause in the end that's all that matters. LOVE AGAIN...
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