SOSE-- 7.1-7.2 25 FLASHCARDS


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Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
7.1 The Industrial Revolution
What were the important discoveries invented in the 18th century? Spinning jenny in 1764 and electricity in 1752
What was the purpose of a spinning jenny? A spinning jenny allows one worker to work on several spools of cotton at one cotton mill
What is a mass production and how did it become the major factor of the Industrial Revolution? Mass production is the manufacture of large quantities of standardized products. New technologies led to the emergence of first factories.
What is the rural-urban migration? The mass movement of rural people to live in the cities as workers for factories.
What was the fastest growing city during the Industrial Age? London became unhygienic and overcrowded which resulted it to be a home to a large working class.
How was the living condition back then? People were often to share tenements with other families. It was freezing in winter and were usually damp. Diseases were easily spread due to the lack of hygienic environments.
How was the working condition? Children as young as seven to eight were employed. Safety wasn't a thing back in the days as rules to use the machines didn't even exist. This has caused thousands injuries and deaths.
What did 5 year old children do in factories? They were used to open and close mineshaft doors.
How long did the workers spent in a daily work? 12-14 hours, they were paid in regular incomes.
What was the common crimes? Theft: stealing basic stuff like breads.
What did the British Parliament introduced? Laws allowing for the transportation of convicts to the American colonies.
How did this affected Australia? With the introduction of new laws, other destinations like Botany Bay, Australia, were opened for the convicts.
In what year did the economic depression begun? In 1890, the year where the business closures and unemployment rises.
7.2 Movements of people
Where did the first English colony established? Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.
What happened in 1620? A second English colony was established further north of New Plymouth. This was settled by a group called Puritans.
Who were the first few settlers who arrived in Sydney? They were five single men and two families who were we wealthy enough to afford a long voyage to Europe.
What did the British government introduced in the 1820s? To help pay the long voyage, they introduced the Assisted Passage Scheme.
Slavery-involuntary movement The transatlantic slave trade was a three-way, relied on the captured African slaves.
What did they do on the plantations? The slaves harvested products that then export to Europe
How many convicts were there during the transportation? 736, 28 died.
Who was the youngest convict in the Fleet? John Hudson, 9 year old, arrested for theft.
What is blackbirding? the practice of kidnapping Pacific Islanders and using them as forced labour, in particular on sugar and cotton plantations in Australia.
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