Computer & Internet History Notes


9th grade Learning Technology Fichas sobre Computer & Internet History Notes, creado por Sally Garza el 15/02/2017.
Sally Garza
Fichas por Sally Garza, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Sally Garza
Creado por Sally Garza hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Devices sends info from the user to CPU (mouse, keyboard, microphones)
CPU central processing unit; Brains of the computer
Output Devices sends info from the CPU to user (printer, monitor, speakers)
Binary Code the basics of all computers; 1 = on/true; 0 = off/false
Supercomputers are: series of big computers "chained together" to work as 1
Charles Babbage father of computers; had the idea for computers in the 1830's
The Analytical Machine design for computer by Charles Babbage but never built due to lack of money and design issues
Herman Hollerith MIT Professor who created the Hollerith Census Tabulator
Hollerith Census Tabulator made for 1890 census to speed up process of counting census cards; done in 6 weeks vs 10 years; punch card computer system
Colossus Computer first electronic digital computer made in World War II to break German Enigma machine codes
ENIAC built in 1943-45; electronic general purpose computer to solve many different problems
Univac stands for: Universal Automatic Computer
Univac was: first mainframe computer commercially sold and mass produced; size of a typical classroom
NASA needed Computer Guidance System since pencils/paper & slide rules couldn't be used in space
NASA's computer needed to be smaller than mainframe to fit on space craft and included integrated circuits
Integrated circuits invented in 1959, consisted of a network of silcon on a single chip
Transistors invented by Bell Labs and replaced vacuum tubes, made of silicon and tiny wires
3 things that made smaller computers possible transitors, integrated circuits and microprocessors
microprocessor developed by Intel; was an integrated circuit including a processor (tiny computer)
Alto Computer made by Xerox in 1973
ALTO Computer first microcomputer with GUI, mouse, built-in networking and laser printer for $18,000
GUI Graphic User Interface; ability to use mouse to click on items and get a menu
Altair first microcomputer; non-programmed, no monitor, no keyboard, no GUI
PC personal computer; name of IBM's first home computer; also the general name of all Intel based computers (non-Mac's)
Windows Operating System Microsoft's first GUI-mouse based OS; inspired by Apple's operating system
WWW world wide web; aka The Internet; widely available in the mid-1990's
Herman Hollerith Legacy Herman Hollerith's company eventually would become IBM, one of the biggest computer companies in the world
Yahoo founded by Jerry Yang & David Filo at Stanford University in 1994,
How Yahoo worked it is a web directory
search engine A program for the retrieval of data, files, or documents from the Internet.
Examples of search engines Yahoo, Google, Excite, Lycos, Dogpile....,
Yahoo started: as a way to collect websites to win a fantasy basketball league
how Yahoo makes money used banner ads on Yahoo pages to generate revenue/income
web directory Human manual catalogging of websites by subject, often providing brief descriptions of each website’s content
Excite started in 1994 at Stanford University
How Excite worked used web crawlers to find search results automatically without human interaction
How Excite made money used banner ads on Excite pages to generate revenue/income
web crawlers a computer program that browses the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner and reports back back to a search engine with results
Google founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page at Stanford University in 1998,
How Google Works uses a web crawler to find websites and count the number of in-links for search results with higher results listed higher on the search list
In-Links when a website is listed by other websites
Google's name named GOOGLE after the mathematical term googol which means 1 followed by 100 zeros or 1 to the 100th power,
Google's company motto “Don’t be evil”,
the verb "to Google" means searching for something on the Internet
How Google made money purposely did not use banner ads to generate income but “pirated” the idea of sponsored links to generate income
Adwords using keywords typed in a search to generate related sponsored ad’s in a search query,
ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network,
What is ARPANET allowed offices and campuses across the country to connect together to work together on projects for the Department of Defense
When ARPANET started 1959
dot-com bubble the founding of a group of new Internet-based companies commonly referred to as dot-coms from 1995-2000
Web Bubble Burst 2000-2001 when over 50% of newer Tech companies closed up or greatly scaled back production and many investors lost billions of dollars at this time
Stanford University major Ivy League university in California, outside of San Francisco where Yahoo, Excite and Google were founded,
web browser program installed to your computer that allows you to access the internet
web browser examples Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Internet Explorer,
BING Microsoft's search engine,
what does BING stand for Because It's Not Google
Alphabet the parent company of Google run by Larry Page & Sergey Brin
Deep Web definition web pages that can't be found with search engines because they are encrypted or private pages
examples of Deep Web private Google account documents or any site that requires a password to access
Dark Web definition Sites that are purposely kept private for specific reasons, sometimes illegal reasons or for privacy concerns
Microsoft software company that created Windows OS, Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) and MS-DOS
Founders of Microsoft Bill Gates & Paul Allen,
Bill Gates founder of Microsoft with "gambling" personality, impulsive but smart, possibly ADHD
Steve Ballmer previous CEO of Microsoft; college friend of Bill Gates
Harvard University school attended by Bill Gates (he didn't graduate) and Steve Ballmer (he did graduate)
Microsoft's first tech innovation wrote BASIC programming language for MITS/Altair computer
MITS/Altair first microcomputer (aka Personal Computer aka PC)
How Microsoft makes their money by licensing software to individual computers (not selling the copyright of software to a company)
MS-DOS software owned by Microsoft that they bought from Seattle Computer Company
GUI Graphic User Interface
Reunion of Microsoft & Apple in 1997 Microsoft invested $150 million dollars into apple, becoming a major stockholder
Apple computer company create by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
Steve Jobs founder of Apple, experimental personality (drugs, religions, therapies...), charming but didn't treat people nicely
Evil Genius nickname of Steve Jobs,
Steve "Woz" Wozniak co-founder of Apple Computers; was the original inventor of computers for Apple
Apple's first tech innovation used "Blue Box" to steal long distance telephone service from AT&T; idea came from hacker called Captain Crunch
IBM makers of main frame computers (in 70's and 80's) who Steve Jobs compared to Big Brother
HP turned down opportunity to create Woz's first computer The Apple I in 1976
Apple II personal computer with CPU, keyboard, color graphics and floppy disk; launched personal computer industry
The Lisa First computer using GUI and mouse sold to the public
Xerox originally created the idea of GUI and the mouse; both Apple and Microsoft "pirated" the idea of Xerox
The Macintosh Rival of The Lisa, and the subject of the infamous 1984 Apple Super Bowl Commercial
Steve Jobs Fired from Apple in 1985 due to conflicts with CEO Jack Sculley and the Board of Directors
Pixar Animation Studios a company that Steve Jobs bought that was later bought by Disney
Reunion at Apple Steve Jobs rehired as CEO of Apple in 1997; revitalized Apple with products such as iPod, MacAir, MacBook, iTunes, iPhone and iPad
Apple I first computer that Woz and Steve Jobs made as Apple Computers; made of wood
operating system the "master" software program on a computer that allows all other functions and software to work
Examples of Operating Systems Apple OS, Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux, Unix, MS-DOS, Android...
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