Chemistry 6 Extracting Vegetable Oil Core GCSE AQA


GCSE Chemistry Fichas sobre Chemistry 6 Extracting Vegetable Oil Core GCSE AQA, creado por Chloe Roberts el 25/04/2014.
Chloe Roberts
Fichas por Chloe Roberts, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Chloe Roberts
Creado por Chloe Roberts hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
How is Vegetable extracted from and how is it extracted? Seeds, nuts and fruits by passing distillation
What does vegetable oil provide? Nutrients and lots of energy
Name two things vegetable oil is used in? Food ➟ Biofuels
What does unsaturated oils contain? Carbon double bonds (C=C)
What does unsaturated oils do to bromine water? Decolourise
Why are vegetable oils useful in cooking? They have high boiling points
Name 4 things cooking in oil does? Increases the energy content ➟ changes the flavour ➟ Changes the colour ➟ changed the texture of the food
How is Vegetable oil hardened? By reacting them with hydrogen at 60°C with a nickel catalyst.
What uses does hardening have/ Makes the oils solid at room temperature so they are suitable for spreading
What does not dissolve in water? Oils
What does water and oil produce? Emulsions
What is a common oil used in emulsions Vegetable Oil
What does Emulsifiers do? Stop water and oil from separating into layers
What are the two molecules that make Emulsifiers? Hydrophobic and Hydrophillic
What does vegetable oil provide? Energy and Nutrients
What is vegetable oil better for health than? Saturated Fats
What does Emulsifiers Improve and how? The texture of foods enabling the water and oil to mix.
What is more tempting and palatable due to Emulsifiers? Fatty Foods
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