

Flash Cards for Graphs
Carl Patchett
Fichas por Carl Patchett, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Carl Patchett
Creado por Carl Patchett hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What does a Graph consist of? A Graph consist of a NON-EMPTY set of elements called Vertices (V), and possibly an empty set of elements called Edges (E), where each edge is associated with a pair of vertices.
When is a Graph a Directed Graph? (or a Digraph) A Graph is considered to be a Directed Graph (or a Digraph) when the edges have direction.
When is a Graph an Undirected Graph? A Graph is considered to be an Undirected Graph when the edges do NOT have direction.
If it is not specified whether a graph is Directed or Undirected, what is it assumed to be? A Graph that is neither specified as Directed nor Undirected is always assumed to be Undirected.
What is a Path in a Graph? A path in a Graph is a sequence of one or more edges, all different.
What is a Cycle in a Graph? A cycle in a Directed or Undirected graph is a path which begins and ends at the same vertex.
What is a Loop in a Graph? A loop is defined to be a cycle of length one
What is the Degree of a Vertex? The Degree of Vertex V is the total number of edges which are incident with v (i.e. joined to v). If the Graph is Directed, then the Indegree of V is the number of edges leading INTO V, and the Outdegree is the number of edges leading OUT of V.
What is a Connected Graph? A Graph is Connected if for every pair of Vertices, there is a path joining them. Otherwise, it is said to be Disconnected.
What is a Weighted Graph? A Weighted Graph is a Graph in which each edge has a number (or weight) associated with it.
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