Nutrients quiz


BTEC vocational studies Fichas sobre Nutrients quiz, creado por chloe richland el 21/03/2017.
chloe richland
Fichas por chloe richland, actualizado hace más de 1 año
chloe richland
Creado por chloe richland hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What does a balanced diet mean? Eating different types of foods
Our food contains different nutrients. How many types are there? 7
What are the 7 types of nutrients? 1. Carbohydrates 2. Fats 3. Protein 4. Vitamins 5. Minerals 6. Fibre 7. Water
What do carbohydrates provide us with? Energy
What types of food contain carbohydrates? Bread Pasta Rice Cereal Potatoes
Why do we need fat in our diets? To keep us warm To protect our organs To use as stored energy
What are the 2 different types of fat? Saturated - meat and dairy Unsaturated - fish, nuts, olive oil
Why do we need to eat protein? For growth and repair of muscle tissue
Which foods can we get protein from? Meat Fish Chicken
We need vitamins because......... ....they help our bodies fight disease and illness
We can get important vitamins from lots of foods
Oranges are full of which type of vitamin? Vitamin C
Minerals can be found in... Fruit and vegetables Dairy Eggs
We need minerals because..... ...they help keep our bodies generally healthy. Skin Teeth and bones Blood
Fibre is very important because..... stops us getting constipated and helps us go to the toilet
What foods contain fibre? Beans Cereals Wheat Wholemeal bread
We need to drink regular water or fluid. Why? It keeps us hydrated Help to regulate body temperature Helps keep skin looking healthy Helps our kidneys
Our bodies are good at telling us when we need more water. Dry skin Feeling thirsty Dry mouth Constipation Yellow urine Headache Dizziness
How much water do we need to drink a day? 2 litres (more if you do a lot of exercise)
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